Portrait Photographer

Help us to take individual and group photos for our team members

Portrait Photographer
Community Development
Arts & Culture

Posted 3 months ago. Application closed.

Questions? Submit an enquiry

Project Details

What we need
  • Help with taking team members portraits (3 people) and group photos
  • 20 final photos will be chosen to be edited by the volunteer
  • Shooting location to be suggested by the volunteer (location and time to be discussed)

We would like to update portraits of our team members.

What we have

Meeting before photoshooting for getting to know each other.

Why this is important

This helps with our marketing, funding application and publications, allowing our organisation to reach out more public and private fundings for supporting our community and equality projects.

Project Period

22 Jul 2024 - 02 Aug 2024


To be confirmed



3 hours in total

  • Photo Editing
  • Portrait Photography
  • Photo Shoot
Experience Level
  • Open to all
  • Students
  • Some experience
  • Extensive experience
  • Chinese (Cantonese)
Age Range

No age requirement

About the Organization

Q plus A Art Foundation Limited



Community Development
Arts & Culture
What we do

Q plus A Art Foundation Limited (Q+A, IRD Section 88 file no.: 91/15660) 致力透過各種藝術活動及計劃,與公眾、學界及企業攜手共創孩子未來,培養有豐富想像力與創造力、感情健康的下一代。我們向青年推廣普及藝術文化及其價值,透過藝術實踐社區參與、包容性及可持續性,願景成為青年的喬治亞.歐姬芙。我們支援有自閉症群體的無障礙權益,我們希望通過提高公共場所的友善程度,讓他們能夠更輕鬆地參與社區藝術及文化活動。

Portrait Photographer

3 hours in total, 12 days

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