Grant writing for a large environmental project in Indonesia
We have proven that our Harvest Plastic program works in Cambodia and Indonesia in certain communities, and we want to expand this into a large watershed area of Borneo, potentially with up to 30 villages. We have all of the contacts and networks to make this happen, but we need funding. One grant from Norway is available, but it only funds 50% of the project, so we need to be clever in how we both try to receive funding from that grant, and also then find another donor (which could be corporate), to match that 50%. This would be a high visibility project globally.
Communication with our co-founding team and experienced community service professional team. We will also share our previous success and challenges experienced in our fundraising efforts for your reference.
This would allow us to showcase a new way of creating societal change with an outcome of highly reduced plastic pollution, without a lot of technology of infrastructure, but with new ways of doing things with the community. The goal would be to then replicate this to many other communities globally, once this scaled project is showcased.
24 Feb 2025 - 07 Mar 2025
5 hours per week
The mission of Ocean Recovery Alliance is to reduce plastic pollution on land and water by working with communities, businesses and governments to develop strategic solutions and programs that educate, build awareness, and lead to long-term positive societal change. We are experts in plastic pollution – its origins, its impacts, and ways in which communities and businesses can mitigate those impacts – and we specialize in helping our stakeholders develop new ways of thinking and collaborating. We introduce new technologies, and we design and support the educational programs that are vital to gaining legislative and community support that is critical to long-term change.
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