Video Editor

Help us edit our monthly mental health video podcast

Video Editor
Mental Health

Posted 6 months ago. Application closed.

Questions? Submit an enquiry

Project Details

What we need
  • Join us for a 30 minute call to learn more about our mental health organisation, team and our video podcast.
  • We release one video podcast a month for our community. Each episode centers around a mental health topic, in an engaging and authentic chat either amongst us hosts and/or inviting community guests and experts.
  • Video podcast to be shared on our social media platforms. Deliverables include one long form for YouTube (20-30mins) and 2-4 short form snippets (30 seconds- 1 minute) for YT shorts and Instagram reels.
  • Preferred bilingual in English and Cantonese as our podcasts are hosted in either English or Cantonese. Each video requires both English and Cantonese subtitles. Video editor will work with our translator to ensure correct translations.

Our careers as Olympic swimmers have taught us that looking after the mind is just as important as looking after the body. Mind The Waves exists to share that simple learning with every young person in Hong Kong. Our aim is to use the visibility that’s been generated by our sporting achievements to create aplatform on to which we can invite collaborators, experts, people with stories to tell, and advice toshare. And by starting these conversations, by making everything we do inclusive, social, and fun,we’ll collectively reduce the the stigma that exists within our community, families, and society,making the topic of our mental wellbeing a positive one, not a shameful one.

What we have

Branding guidelines, selection of key points from the podcast, past draft rundown and video podcasts (long form and short form) footage will be provided.

Why this is important

YouTube and Instagram are ideal ways of reaching and speaking directly to our Mind The Waves audience – Hong Kongers, between 15 and 30 years old. Therefore, the creation of regular, Hong Kong centric, Cantonese (majority) and English language, filmed and audio content is the cornerstone of our efforts. Our podcast aims to share conversations designed specifically to help dismantle the stigma that currently exists around people and their mental wellbeing.

Project Period

10 Apr 2024 - 30 Jun 2024



Team Project

You’ll be working with other awesome volunteers.



6 hours per month

  • Video Editing
Experience Level
  • Students
  • Extensive experience
  • Chinese (Cantonese)
  • English
Age Range

About the Organization

Mind the Waves


Mental Health
What we do

Our ambition for Mind The Waves is simple; to start a conversation that’s easy and fun for any young person in Hong Kong to join. And that conversation is designed specifically to help dismantle the stigma that currently exists around people and their mental wellbeing. Getting it started, and making it accessible and enjoyable, will help people to seek help where it’s needed, or make mental health maintenance part of their daily routine.

Video Editor

6 hours per month, 3 months

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