SEO Advisor

Help us review and provide advice on improving our SEO of our Mind HK website

SEO Advisor
Mental Health

Posted about 4 years ago. Application closed.

Questions? Submit an enquiry

Project Details

What we need
  • Join a 30 minute briefing call
  • Review and provide recommendations for our website's SEO
  • Work with another volunteer who will implement SEO recommendations

We launched our website almost 3 years ago ( and want to expand our reach. We want to reach more of the local population, so need particular help with the SEO of the Traditional Chinese version of our site. We have never done a SEO review, so do not know our keywords - this would also be useful in designing our media and social media campaigns moving forward.

What we have

Website survey analysis access, backend of website.

Why this is important

It will help us reach more people in Hong Kong and ensure they have access to our free resources, which include information on mental health and mental health services.

Project Period

08 Mar 2021 - 06 Apr 2021





10 hours per week

  • SEO
  • SEO Audit
  • Chinese (Cantonese)
  • English
Age Range

About the Organization

Mind HK


Mental Health
What we do

Our mission is to ensure no one has to face a mental health problem alone.

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10 hours per week, 29 days

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