九龍區賣旗日 KTMSS Flag Day Volunteer (9 Nov)

招募4,000名賣旗義工為基層扶貧服務籌款 | Recruiting 4,000 volunteers to sell flag and raising funds for poverty alleviation services

10 registered
九龍區賣旗日 KTMSS Flag Day Volunteer (9 Nov)
Community Development

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Project Details

What we need
  • 日期:2024年11月9日(星期六), 上午7時至中午12時半 | Date: 9 Nov, 2024 (Saturday), 7:00am to 12:30 noon
  • 義工需攜著循道衛理觀塘社會服務處之旗袋於九龍區進行賣旗籌款,完成後交回旗袋到指定旗站 | Volunteers have to carry our money bag for flag selling, and return to designated depots
  • *義工若未滿14歲必須家長陪同參與 | *Volunteers under 14 years old must be accompanied by a parent/guardian
  • 本會將為賣旗義工購買保險 | KTMSS will purchase insurance for the volunteers
  • 完成賣旗活動的義工將會獲得義工服務證書及紀念文件夾乙份 | A Flag Day Certificate and a small gift will be presented to volunteers upon completion of flag selling activity

本處是一所以地區為本,並受政府資助的非牟利社會服務機構,於觀塘區提供多元化社會服務。我們的服務對象包括低收入家庭、單親家庭、新來港人士、獨居長者、失業人士,以及身處不利環境的青少年。香港近年的貧富懸殊問題愈來愈嚴重,而觀塘區是全港最多貧窮人居住的地區之一。本處植根社區,委身成為貧窮人士的同行者,並致力為他們的人生帶來轉機和曙光。KTMSS is a district-based, government-subsidized, non-profit-making social service organization that provides diversified social services in Kwun Tong District. Our service targets include low-income families, single-parent families, new arrivals, elderly people living alone, the unemployed, and young people living in disadvantaged circumstances. The problem of wealth disparity in Hong Kong has become increasingly serious in recent years, and Kwun Tong District is one of the areas where the largest number of poor people live in Hong Kong. KTMSS is rooted in the community, committed to being a companion for the poor, and committed to bringing change and hope to their lives.

What we have

本會將會提供義工賣旗活動地點及義工指引。完成賣旗活動後義工可獲義工服務證書及紀念文件夾乙份。We will provide guidelines for volunteers regarding the areas where they are allowed to sell flags. Upon completion, volunteers will receive a certificate and a small gift.

Why this is important

我們承諾是次所籌得之善款用作📍支援劏房家庭、📍受重建影響的基層長者、📍非資助之食物援助,📍以及其他扶貧支援服務,協助生活在困境中的人士渡過困難及改善生活質素。We promise that the funds raised this time will be used to support 📍subdivided housing families, 📍grassroots elderly affected by reconstruction, 📍non-subsidized food assistance, 📍and other poverty alleviation support services to help people living in difficult situations. difficulties and improve the quality of life.

Project Period

09 Nov 2024 - 09 Nov 2024


九龍區 Kowloon District



5 hours in total

  • Fundraising
  • Event Support
Experience Level
  • Open to all
  • Students
  • Some experience
  • Extensive experience
  • Chinese (Cantonese)
  • English
Age Range

No age requirement

About the Organization

Kwun Tong Methodist Social Service 循道衛理觀塘社會服務處 (HQ)



Community Development
What we do

我們致力以耶穌基督的愛為有需要的人提供優質服務;透過社會關懷、服務及行動積極參與社會的改革工程,作光作鹽,見證基督,並與教會各堂會及教育單位連結,發揮志願精神及推動社會服務,作合一的見證。 本處是一所以地區為本,並受政府資助的非牟利社會服務機構,於觀塘區提供多元化社會服務。我們的服務對象包括低收入家庭、單親家庭、新來港人士、獨居長者、失業人士,以及身處不利環境的青少年。香港近年的貧富懸殊問題愈來愈嚴重,而觀塘區是全港最多貧窮人居住的地區之一。本處植根社區,委身成為貧窮人士的同行者,並致力為他們的人生帶來轉機和曙光。

九龍區賣旗日 KTMSS Flag Day Volun...

5 hours in total, 1 day

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