E-Christmas Card Designer

Design an E-Christmas card for our organization

E-Christmas Card Designer

Posted over 1 year ago. Application closed.

Questions? Submit an enquiry

Project Details

What we need
  • Help us create a virtual Christmas card for our EDM
  • Offer a tutorial of how to create the e-card so that we can learn how to do it in-house (Can be a screen recording!)
  • We will discuss the design brief and share organization logo, basic content with you
  • We will share comments with you and revisions/ edits may be necessary
  • No restriction on design tools, we welcome Canva designs too!

We are looking for someone to help us create a Christmas e-card.

What we have

An introductory call will be set up to allow the volunteer to understand the needs of the company and learn the specifics.

Why this is important

As the festive season is approching, we're going to greet the supporters for our Foundation. A virtual card will be attractive to the readers and leaving them a good impression.

Project Period

29 Nov 2022 - 12 Dec 2022





4 hours in total

  • Canva
  • Graphic Design
  • Adobe Creative Suite
Experience Level
  • Open to all
  • Students
  • Some experience
  • Extensive experience
  • English
Age Range

About the Organization

Karen Leung Foundation



What we do

The Karen Leung Foundation (KLF) works to save lives in Hong Kong by raising awareness of gynaecological cancer, educating women to increase rates of early detection and ensuring that women in treatment have access to optimal medical care. Founded in 2013, we are the first and only organisation in Hong Kong solely devoted to women's gynaecological cancers. To date, the Karen Leung Foundation has raised more than HK$35 million to fight gynaecological cancer and help Hong Kong girls and women.

E-Christmas Card Designer

4 hours in total, 14 days

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