尋嶼南護牛隊義工司機 Urgently seeking for volunteer driver for Lantau South herds inspection team
定期護牛巡牛群是香港牛物種保護協會的核心工作之一。 工作涵蓋地區包括:大嶼山南區(7牛群)、城門郊野公園(1牛群)、西貢郊野公園(1牛群)及塔門(1牛群)。 南大嶼山工作隊暫時唯一支需要駕駛協會工作車執行每週巡查 7牛群及棲息地的隊伍。Regular herds inspection is one of the core bovid conservation practice of HKBCA. The practice is covering herds and habitats : 7 herds of Lantau South, 1 in Shing Mun ,1 in Sai Kung country park and 1 in Tap Mun. The Lantau South team is one requiring driving of the Association vehicle to cover 7 bovid herd habitats on weekly basis at the moment.
* 登記司機報到時將接受現場訓練。 如果駕駛員希望參加進一步的練習,他/她將需要在西貢參加兩小時的線上講座和一整天的現場培訓。Enrolled driver will receive training on site when they reported to the duty. If driver wish to participate the practice in further extances, s/he will then be required to attend to a two hours online lecture and one full day on site training in Sai Kung. * HKBCA是一個以眾籌自資營運的非政府組織,協會所有會員均自資形式參與工作。 HKBCA is a self/crowd funded NGO , all members of the Association is self-funded to participate all assigned duty.
現時在香港仍存活牛動物不但具有代表中國文明和文化歷史活圖騰的價值,更是在生態保育及人類學上具國際可持續發展目標的特殊標誌性價值,而香港牛物種保護協會已為香港牛物種保育發展堅持了19年,是香港現時唯一具牛物種生態專業學術資格和提供恆常地的在野生態及物種保育工作的組織。Bovid species existing in Hong Kong, they are not only the value of representing Chinese civilization and cultural history as living totems, but also an ecological conservation and anthropology importance marking an international society for sustainable development goals. The Hong Kong Bovid Conservation Association has insisting the practice for over 19 years and is currently the only organization in Hong Kong that qualifying professionally both academically in bovid species and ecology conservation , as well as provides regular and ongoing ecology and species conservation practice on fields.投身協會成為謢牛巡守義工隊員,不但是守護香港自然生態條件,更是守護香港作為國際城市在生態環境保育上的領先地位。Joining HKBCA to become one of our member , you are not only protecting Hong Kong's natural ecological conditions and the bovid animals, but also taking Hong Kong's leading position as an international city in ecological environment conservation.
15 Mar 2024 - 31 Mar 2024
大嶼南 Lantau South
You’ll be working with other awesome volunteers.
6 hours in total
https://[email protected]
香港牛物種保育協會 延續自2004年起的本土牛物種保育運動! Hong Kong Bovid Conservation Association sustains the local bovid conservation movement of Hong Kong since 2004. CR No.: 3250474 ~ 維護與保育在香港境內現存野生黃牛和水牛畜群。 Preserve the remaining wild cattle and water buffalo herds in Hong Kong. ~ 促進專業的牛群及其棲息生態安全管理 Promote professional herds and habitation managements ****************** 三大牛物種保育政策方向 Three policies approaches of bovid conservation: 1) 保育從規劃做起! Increase conservation measures at Planning level ! 規劃保留及保育所有現存水牛羣棲息及濕地 Preserving ALL existing habitats and wetland area of bovid species with zoning policy. 2)不遷不殺, 原區保育所有牛群! Preserve ALL herds in-situ >> No killing, No relocation ! 為每牛羣設原區牛棚、村區內保留牧草區及牛通道、嚴格執行所有禁區車速及車輛數字管制,以防止鄉郊過度城市化。 Provide local cattle shelters for each herd, preserve grazing spaces and cattle paths in each village living with existing herds. Promote road safety controls by supporting speed prevention measures and monitoring closed road permits, to prevent over urbanisation development in rural area! 3) 制定本土物種保育科! Create a conservation policy for local species ! 成立本土物種保育資料庫,保護本土瀕危物種! Establish a local species data bank for the protection of Hong Kong endangered species! --------------------------------------------- 🐃🐂 生活在郊野的牛牛需要您8大點的幫忙才能過上安全的生活!(👇🏻以下內容適用於所有郊區,請各位牛朋友幫忙廣傳! ) 🐃🐂Wild living Moo Moo needs your 8 points of help to live a safer life! (👇🏻Below content is applicable to all country areas, friends of bovid animal please help to spread the words. ) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qRib94_InKVXRckSDac8TP9j5IGeURix/view?usp=sharing
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