Survey Translator (English to Bahasa Indonesia)

We need help in translating a survey form from English to Bahasa Indonesia

Survey Translator (English to Bahasa Indonesia)
Human Rights

Posted almost 3 years ago. Application closed.

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Project Details

What we need
  • Translate a survey form from English to Bahasa Indonesia

We are a launching a survey and we need the survey form translated to Bahasa Indonesia

What we have

Survey form in English

Why this is important

This will help us reach the Indonesian Domestic Worker Community so that they are aware of services available to them

Project Period

27 Oct 2021 - 31 Oct 2021





2 hours in total

  • Translation
  • Bahasa Indonesia
  • English
Age Range

About the Organization

HELP for Domestic Workers


Human Rights
What we do

HELP for Domestic Workers is an NGO working on the frontlines to support migrant domestic workers to gain access to justice and fair and equal treatment in Hong Kong. Since 1989, we have supported migrant domestic workers through advice, assistance, education and empowerment. We equip the employers of domestic workers with knowledge and awareness so that they can build a mutually beneficial relationship with their domestic workers.

Survey Translator (English ...

2 hours in total, 5 days

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