Module Developer (Employment Agencies, Money Lenders & Financial Crime)

HELP is looking for volunteers to help us develop our module on key facts that MDWs need to know around agencies, AML, illegal money lending fraud and scams

Module Developer (Employment Agencies, Money Lenders & Financial Crime)
Human Rights

Posted almost 3 years ago. Application closed.

Questions? Submit an enquiry

Project Details

What we need
  • We are looking for1-2 Volunteers to help us with the development of the module
  • Volunteers will need to attend a 1 hour online briefing prior the module development (date & time will be confirmed after volunteer signed up)
  • Volunteers will need to do approximately 20 - 24 hours spread within 2 weeks to 1 month of developing the module, refining and discussing with us
  • Volunteers will need to join and present the briefing session to the presenter volunteers

As of 2020 there were 373,000 Migrant Domestic Workers (MDWs) serving over 355,000 Hong Kong homes. Through their direct and indirect contributions, migrant domestic workers contribute over USD 12.6 Billion to Hong Kong’s GDP and are an important part of Hong Kong’s economic development. However, over 83% of migrant domestic workers are currently in debt or victims of illegal money lending scams. HELP is looking for volunteers to help us update and refresh our modules related to domestic worker rights and responsibilities when dealing with agencies, money lenders and other financial institutions.

What we have

We will do a briefing for our background, need and situationWe have a team that is ready to assist and discuss in material development

Why this is important

Through this project, we will engage migrant domestic workers to equip them with the necessary knowledge concerning their rights and responsibilities in dealing with agencies, money lenders and other financial institutions. Through providing information and training on the rights of domestic workers in relation to the above topics, it is hoped that they will be able to make informed decisions and avoid potential legal and pitfalls.This is part of the HELP’s effort to ensure that migrant workers are empowered to access justice and fair and equal treatment. an effort to fight against domestic poverty and inequality, through ensuring access to justice and fair and equal treatment. This module will cover key facts concerning domestic worker rights and responsibilities related to employment agencies, money lenders and legal issues related to money laundering scams and other fraudulent financial practices.

Project Period

21 Feb 2022 - 31 Mar 2022



Team Project

You’ll be working with other awesome volunteers.



24 hours in total

  • Budget Review
  • Finance
  • Legal Assistance
  • Legal Advice
  • Legal Consultation
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Training
  • Budgeting
  • Training Development
  • English
Age Range

About the Organization

HELP for Domestic Workers


Human Rights
What we do

HELP for Domestic Workers is an NGO working on the frontlines to support migrant domestic workers to gain access to justice and fair and equal treatment in Hong Kong. Since 1989, we have supported migrant domestic workers through advice, assistance, education and empowerment. We equip the employers of domestic workers with knowledge and awareness so that they can build a mutually beneficial relationship with their domestic workers.

Module Developer (Employmen...

24 hours in total, 1 month

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