Create an animated storytelling video through motion design for our Youtube channel to promote growth mindset education
We are planning to launch growth mindset videos for students. Example from Youtube:
Growth Mindset Training Materials. Volunteers participate in this project need to be creative and it is a fun role. GMEA will provide volunteers the content materials for the videos. Volunteers are expected to have a mix of both video editing technical skills (e.g. capturing/importing media, organizing raw media, editing footage and sound file, titling, adding music/voice-over/sfx, etc.) and creativity in the video production (i.e. different presenting style and techniques).
Video is everywhere. As technological advances, it becomes more common for companies to use video as a communications platform. Video is a crucial part of the GMEA digital delivery and part of our marketing strategies. GMEA plans to provide short-clips in our website about growth mindset videos (Cantonese) for the Hong Kong community.It helps GMEA to observe and determine the effectiveness of video contents.
09 May 2022 - 30 Jun 2022
20 hours in total
成長思維教育協會有限公司(簡稱“協會”)正式成立於2019年,由一群在正向心理學及成長思維領域已經默默耕耘了幾年的專業人士發起。公司緣起於過去幾年的幾十宗中小學生自殺個案所帶來的衝擊。學童輕則犧牲快樂的童年時光,重則付出生命的代價。 作為社會一份子,我們希望盡自己的綿薄之力,利用協會成員長年服務各公私營機構所累積的經驗,結合正向思維的核心理論 -“成長思維”,提高香港兒童和年輕人的抗逆力,幫助他們在人生最初的學業和就業階段設立目標,逐步達致幸福人生的宗旨。
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