Report Translator (Chinese to English)

Translate our Year-End Legacy Giving Report from Chinese to English, allowing us to reach a wider audience

Report Translator (Chinese to English)
Community Development

Posted over 2 years ago. Application closed.

Questions? Submit an enquiry

Project Details

What we need
  • Join us for a 30 minutes call to learn more about our organisation
  • Translate around 6,000 Chinese characters to English, provided in editable presentation slides
  • Link to the Report:

【 Leave A Legacy. Make an Impact. 】We are the only organisation in Hong Kong that focuses on promoting legacy giving in Hong Kong. As a social enterprise, we work with charities and volunteer lawyers to offer a free, professional and user-friendly Will-writing service to the general public. To date, legacy gifts made through our service have exceeded HKD 170m with over 100 charities named as beneficiaries. We make it possible for anyone to leave a legacy and create a lasting impact on causes closest to their hearts.

What we have

(1) We will provide the Chinese version for translation (2) To help the volunteer understand the context better, there will be an on-boarding call where the volunteer can ask any questions they might have (3) During the process, there will be regular check-ins to see if the volunteer would require extra information or assistance

Why this is important

This report is a first in Hong Kong - it serves as an important reference for NGOs in Hong Kong to understand the importance of legacy giving to their organisations, as well as to their supporters. We would also send the report to overseas research institutions, marking Hong Kong as a great philanthropic hub on this subject matter.

Project Period

02 May 2022 - 15 Jun 2022





15 hours in total

  • Translation
  • Writing
  • Chinese Traditional
  • English
Age Range

About the Organization 遺善最樂


Community Development
What we do

ForeverGift is a social enterprise that focuses on promoting legacy giving to the general public. We believe that by offering donors easy access to professional will drafting services, anyone can leave a legacy and create a lasting impact on causes closest to their hearts. 我 們 是 香 港 唯 一 以 推 動 遺 產 捐 贈 為 目 標 的 機 構 。 我 們 與 香 港 的 慈 善 機 構 及 律 師 事 務 所 合 作 , 推 出 免 費 的 遺 囑 製 作 服 務 , 鼓 勵 大 眾 捐 出 遺 產 , 為 慈 善 機 構 留 下 一 份 明 日 之 禮 。 我 們 相 信 每 一 份 禮 物 , 無 論 大 小 , 都 會 為 世 界 帶 來 改 變 。 與 此 同 時 , 我 們 為 慈 善 機 構 提 供 : ⬤ 法 律 諮 詢 熱 線 ⬤ 法 律 講 座 ⬤ 專 用 遺 產 捐 贈 網 頁 ⬤ 遺 贈 數 據 報 告 ⬤ 推 廣 指 南 和 內 容 範 本

Report Translator (Chinese ...

15 hours in total, 2 months

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