Poster Designer

Help us design 2 posters for our upcoming award ceremony

Poster Designer
Community Development

Posted 2 months ago. Application closed.

Questions? Submit an enquiry

Project Details

What we need
  • Design two posters: one with the Generocity logo, and one with information on official development assistance
  • We will provide content: graphics and text
  • Feel free to use any design tools
  • Volunteers with design experience preferred

Generocity is a project supported by EAHK volunteers. The project promotes increasing official development assistance (ODA) from Hong Kong to support people around the world struggle to meet their most basic needs. We have recently held an essay contest on the question, "Should Hong Kong establish an Official Development Assistance programme? Why or why not?" ( The prize ceremony will be September 19 and we are seeking a graphic designer to help design posters for the event.

What we have

We will provide text and reference images for you to design attractive posters for the prize ceremony event.

Why this is important

We hope to re-use the posters at future events as backdrops for photos of the events and to explain our goals to participants.

Project Period

24 Jul 2024 - 08 Aug 2024



Team Project

You’ll be working with other awesome volunteers.



4 hours in total

  • Canva
  • Graphic Design
  • Adobe Creative Suite
Experience Level
  • Some experience
  • Extensive experience
  • English
Age Range

About the Organization

Effective Altruism Hong Kong


Community Development
What we do

Our mission is to cultivate a community of individuals who thoughtfully address the world's most pressing challenges and implement impactful solutions. We strive to educate and connect individuals and organizations to identify and support the most promising initiatives that tackle pressing global issues.

Poster Designer

4 hours in total, 16 days

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