Mental Health Survey Helpers

Conduct online mental health surveys, collect 10 diverse responses and promote our charity's social media

Project Details

What we need
  • Commitment: Volunteers will be credited with 3 voluntary hours for collecting 10 completed online survey responses, English and traditional Chinese available
  • Diversity: Responses must come from at least 3 different age groups as defined in the survey (note: responses from only one or two age group(s) will only count 2 voluntary hours)
  • Participation: Volunteers should participate and understand in the survey themselves first (counting as 1 feedback)
  • Communication: Clearly explain the purpose and objectives of the survey to invitees
  • Engagement: Encourage participants to view and follow our charity’s social media accounts (Facebook/Instagram @collectivegutshk) and provide their recommendations

We are conducting a survey to understand more about mental health awareness in Hong Kong. Our survey aims to:1) Understand the mental health challenges faced by different age groups.2) Assess the comfort levels of individuals in sharing their mental health experiences.3) Identify the most effective ways to support mental health in our community.4) Gather insights on the need for mental health education and awareness.

What we have

The survey is pre-set and uploaded online. Our team will reach out to the volunteers to share the survey URLs and scripted messages for their invitations to others.

Why this is important

This will help us to plan and design our future programmes.

Project Period

30 Jul 2024 - 09 Aug 2024





3 hours in total

  • Communication
  • Social Media
  • Research and Development
Experience Level
  • Open to all
  • Students
  • Some experience
  • Extensive experience
  • Chinese (Cantonese)
  • English
Age Range

No age requirement

About the Organization

Collective Guts Hong Kong Charitable Limited



Mental Health
What we do

OUR MISSION is to revolutionize the mental health culture in Hong Kong by promoting self-awareness and social awareness as essentially elements of emotional well-being and prevention of mental illness. We aim to lead the charge in sparking a cultural transformation, empowering individuals to honor and express their emotions, seek the support they need, understand each other and foster compassionate responses to emotional distress. We commit to preventive services and support for mental health as fundamental strategies to mental health issues. We advocate for a collective mindset that everyone is entitled to open to “weakness” and vulnerability and face adversity and life changes with love and support . OUR VISION is to lead Hong Kong into a future where mental health and emotional vulnerability are embraced as pillars of a healthy society. We visualize a culture where seeking help is not only destigmatized but is also seen as an act of courage and a step towards personal growth. We dream of a world that recognizes mental distress as part of life's natural ebb and flow, and where a stigma-free, supportive community exists, valuing open and compassionate attitudes to enhance well-being and strengthen interpersonal connection.

Mental Health Survey Helpers

3 hours in total, 11 days

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