Website Designer (WordPress)

Help us with the revamp of our website by providing design support on the layout, appearance and icons / vectors

Website Designer (WordPress)

Posted over 3 years ago. Application closed.

Questions? Submit an enquiry

Project Details

What we need
  • Join our team for a bi-weekly meeting
  • Help with the design of the layout and appearance of the website
  • Create reusable icons / images / logo / vectors for the website

We are in the progress of revamping our website. We have made the underlining portion of the Wordpress site, but will need assistance on bringing the page to life with a graphic designer's help. The site is currently using a mixture of Gutenberg and Elementor for the design portion of the site.

What we have

Images, logos, and other content for the website will be provided. Through meetings, we will provide guidance on design requirements and such.

Why this is important

Our current site is lacking and in need of a redesign. With the help of a visual overhaul, our site will be more welcoming and easier to navigate for everyone.

Project Period

13 Jan 2021 - 13 Mar 2021





4 hours per week

  • Wordpress
  • Web Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Wordpress Design
  • Chinese (Cantonese)
  • English
Age Range

About the Organization

Codekey Cookies


What we do

「點字曲奇」是一家由視障人士於2015年創立的香港社會企業。我們由創立至今一直自負盈虧,希望透過製作富有心思意義的食品、僱員培訓及公眾教育推廣社會共融及鼓勵大眾勇於突破自身界限。我們很榮幸於「2018十一良心消費運動」獲得「顧客最喜愛社企」獎項,肯定了我們致力推廣社會共融的努力。 創辦人花花於8歲那年因藥物敏感而失去視力,卻因而啟發她的冒險精神。縱使求學之路受盡歧視,她仍憑毅力修畢大學雙學位、心理學碩士及教育文憑,成為香港首位視障心理治療師。眼前的黑暗不但未為花花帶來障礙,更促使她積極投入社區及義務工作,祈望以自身的故事為社會帶來更多正能量。 我們相信每個人無論是健全或殘疾、富貴或貧窮、來自什麼背景,總有其強處和弱處。只有不斷發掘自我價值,不被標籤限制,才能活出精彩的人生。 Codekey Cookies is a self-sustainable social enterprise founded by the blind in 2015. We promote social inclusion and self-exploration through our innovative products, employment management and public education. We were honored to receive the “Customers’ Most Loving Social Enterprise” award in 2018 Tithe Ethical Consumption Movement, which was a great recognition of our effort and the social impacts that we’ve made in the society. Our founder, Fafa became legally blind due to a medication allergy when she was eight years old, yet she has not been compromising with negative comments like ‘Disabled is not-able’. Instead, she takes the verse from the Bible “Don’t be afraid, just believe” as her motto and proves her belief by actions. She graduated three university degrees on the dean's list and became the first visually impaired psychologist in Hong Kong. Besides Codekey Cookies, she has co-founded a volunteer group with other healthcare professionals to provide free healthcare services and workshops in some rural areas in Asia. We believe that everybody has their own strengths and weaknesses, the most amazing part in life is to respect and empower each other to maximize each other’s life potentials.

Website Designer (WordPress)

4 hours per week, 2 months

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