Legal Advisor

Provide legal advice of documents and agreements

Legal Advisor
Community Development
Mental Health

Posted about 2 years ago. Application closed.

Questions? Submit an enquiry

Project Details

What we need
  • Join a 30-min briefing of project background and our required supports
  • Review legal agreement of a project (9-page agreement in English)
  • The agreement serves to define and confirm the roles and responsibilities between CFSC and another partner of a project, where CFSC performs the role of collaborator, sharing the responsibilities and liabilities of publicity & promotion, intellectual property rights, financial arrangement, safety and insurance.
  • Provide professional legal advice and help us revise the terms in the agreement

We are launching a social inclusion project that requires legal supports in reviewing the relevant agreements

What we have

Briefing of project and required information will be provided

Why this is important

We hope to get some legal advice and insights into our partnership agreements so we can finalise our collaborative roles. This is in regards to a meaningful social inclusion project, bringing a unique inclusive experience to service users as well as general public.

Project Period

05 Dec 2022 - 30 Dec 2022





10 hours in total

  • Legal Advice
  • Legal Writing
  • Legal Consultation
Experience Level
  • Some experience
  • English
Age Range

About the Organization

Christian Family Service Centre


Community Development
Mental Health
What we do

基督教家庭服務中心(CFSC)為香港一間致力支援及促進家庭功能的社會服務機構,六十多年來,因應社會的改變與需要,本會不斷更新原有服務,同時亦拓展新的工作方向。迄今,本會已發展成為一間多元化的社會服務機構,涵蓋多個服務範疇,包括: 兒童及家庭服務、青年服務、長者照顧服務、殘疾人士綜合服務、精神健康服務、50+悅齡服務、醫療健康服務、殘疾人士發展及共融、環保及綠色生活、社區發展服務、全人發展及專業培訓、僱員服務顧問等。

Legal Advisor

10 hours in total, 26 days

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