Software Engineer Support

Help our team to bridge the project and development team and manage key issues based on our project scope

Software Engineer Support
Community Development
Arts & Culture

Posted about 1 year ago. Application closed.

Questions? Submit an enquiry

Project Details

What we need
  • Support and help us on the backend design client-side and server-side architecture (REACT, NODEjs)
  • Be part of the writeup of effective APIs and help us to develop and manage well-functioning databases and applications
  • It's a plus if you have knowledge of web3 / Hedera chain and development on their guardian service
  • Your involvement is flexible - Based on your availability and capacity, we'll delegate relevant tasks accordingly!

The mission of the CNC is to help and reward individuals and companies to be carbon neutral. With a strategy to incentivise voluntary carbon offset accelerating decarbonization locally and globally, we are creating a clear road map for individuals and companies to participate in the fight against climate change in ways that are scalable and measurable as well as educational for all ages. Help us managing our IT infrastructure and the backend of our projects

What we have

You will be working closely with our Founder and our Software developer.

Why this is important

You'll be part of the fight against climate change at the ground level, activating individuals and partners to reach carbon neutrality.

Project Period

30 Apr 2024 - 19 Dec 2024



Team Project

You’ll be working with other awesome volunteers.



10 hours per month

  • Software Development
  • Computer Hardware Servicing
  • Design Thinking
  • Coding
Experience Level
  • Open to all
  • Students
  • Some experience
  • Extensive experience
  • English
Age Range

About the Organization

Carbon Neutral Club


Community Development
Arts & Culture
What we do

We help and reward individuals and companies to be carbon neutral. Co-created by Carbonbase and WWF- Hong Kong, we want to help individuals to be carbon neutral. With a strategy to incentivise voluntary carbon offset accelerating decarbonization locally and globally, we are creating a clear road map for individuals to participate in the fight against climate change in ways that are scalable and measurable.

Software Engineer Support

10 hours per month, 8 months

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