星期一收集麵包 Monday Bread Runner

參與星期一晚上的Bread Run 收麵包給有需者 Collect bread for the needy on Monday evenings

星期一收集麵包 Monday Bread Runner
Food Waste

Posted about 1 year ago. Application closed.

Questions? Submit an enquiry

Project Details

What we need
  • 在 Breadline.hk 登記 Sign up on Breadline.hk
  • 在Breadline.hk 到不同地區麵包店收麵包, 送到指定地點 Choose your own runs on Breadline by selecting the bakeries to collect and send to designated points
  • 實時報到及更新和自攜收集袋 Check-in for real-time updates and bring your own collection bags.
  • 我們希望尋找靈活、獨立、可靠、精力充沛的義工加入 Be agile, flexible, independent, reliable and energetic and go to where the bread is!
  • 時間為每個星期一晚上7點至9點半,我們也歡迎一日義工! Every Monday 7pm - 9:30pm, one day volunteers are also welcomed!
  • 讓我們一起邁向零浪費 zero waste! Let’s go to zero food waste!

香港每天有超過 3250 噸的食物廢料被倒進垃圾堆填區。但每 5 個港人中,就有一個生活在貧窮線下,難以維持飲食。 Breadline 每逢星期一和星期五晚上運作。我們從四位好友發起的小活動,至今發展成為一個大型項目,現在擁有3輛車、與4 個非政府組織(NGO) 和5 大麵包連鎖店合作,涉及170 多家麵包店和成千上萬的義工們。我們的願景是零浪費!隨著擴大,我們需要更多的義工。您可以幫助我們實現百分百的回收率目標!我們賦予您改變的力量,開始行動吧!Everyday in Hong Kong, over 3,250 tonnes of food waste are dumped into landfills, while one in five people live in poverty and struggle to eat. Breadline is Hong Kong’s first public digital platform for food rescue. Volunteers connect with bakeries on Breadline to rescue leftover bread using real-time updates to make every run count. Together, we save resources from being wasted and we support the homeless; low-income families; refugees and their children and the elderly poor, by delivering bread the same night to our grassroots partners.

What we have

Breadline 是香港首個為拯救食物的公共數位平台。義工透過Breadline.hk 與麵包店聯繫,利用即時更新的資訊「拯救」 剩餘的麵包,讓義工發揮最大作用。我們一起節省資源,支持無家可歸者、低收入家庭、難民群及貧困長者,即日晚上將麵包送到受益群體。Breadline is Hong Kong's first public digital platform for saving food. Volunteers connect with bakeries through Breadline.hk, using real-time updated information to "rescue" leftover bread and maximize their efforts. We work together to conserve resources and support the homeless, low-income families, refugee groups, and impoverished elderly, delivering bread to the beneficiary groups every evening.

Why this is important

我們希望找靈活、獨立、可靠的義工。歡迎所有義工參與 Breadline 收麵包活動!我們鼓勵義工定期參與,將這個有意義的活動成為生活的一部分!We are looking for flexible, independent, and reliable volunteers. All volunteers are welcome to participate in the Breadline bread collection event! We encourage volunteers to participate regularly, making this meaningful activity a part of life!

Project Period

01 Mar 2024 - 31 Mar 2024


上環,尖沙咀 Sheung Wan, Tsim Sha Tsui



2 hours per week

  • 4 March 7:00 - 9:30pm
  • 11 March 7:00 - 9:30pm
  • 18 March 7:00 - 9:30pm
  • 25 March 7:00 - 9:30pm
  • Event Support
  • Community Outreach
Experience Level
  • Open to all
  • Students
  • Some experience
  • Extensive experience
  • Chinese (Cantonese)
  • English
Age Range

About the Organization

Breadline (HK FoodWorks)



Food Waste
What we do

Breadline is a web application that connects volunteers to bakeries to collect bread surpluses just-in-time for those who need it. We are Hong Kong's first public digital platform for food rescue. Breadline is an initiative by HKFoodWorks, a HK registered charity. We work with major partner NGOs and bakery chains in Hong Kong and we have recovered over 300,000 pieces of bread since we started 3 years ago. Breadline is data-driven and based on Dr. Daisy Tam's ongoing research on food security. It has received multiple local and international grants, including the prestigious Fullbright award and it was partially developed at MIT's Urban Risk Lab. Every day, 3600 tonnes of food waste are sent to landfills in Hong Kong, while one in five people live in poverty and struggle to afford nutritious meals. Breadline's mission is to put a stop to this.

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