Looking for volunteers to be part of a podcast/episode to describe a trend, happenings or more to visually impaired friends
This project will help people with visual impairments get the visual information they lack. Let's build an inclusive society together!計劃將幫助視障人士獲得他們缺乏的視覺資訊,收窄資訊鴻溝。就讓大家一起建設共融的社會吧!
There is the chance to work with kind, energetic people with visual impairment. A volunteer briefing session will be arranged.你將與精力充沛的視障人士互動,合作錄製podcast。計劃開始前我們將安排義工簡報會,讓你初步了解工作的形式及描述的技巧。
With your input, we can enrich the content of our podcasts programs.有你的參與可使我們的節目內容更充實。
01 Aug 2022 - 30 Dec 2022
Remote / To Kwa Wan
You’ll be working with other awesome volunteers.
3 hours per month
Blinetic was established in 2021. It is led by people with visual impairment. Aims To increase the independence, accessibility of information, equality of opportunity, and quality of life for all blind and visually impaired people.
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