Airtable Support

Set up CRM and event database on Airtable

Airtable Support
Community Development

Posted almost 2 years ago. Application closed.

Questions? Submit an enquiry

Project Details

What we need
  • We are setting up our CRM and events management database on Airtable, hoping to classify contacts and link up volunteers with activities
  • Help us finetune the tables and setup procedures and guidelines
  • Looking for volunteers with experience setting up Airtable to assist with implementation and share advice/ suggestions
  • Volunteers can work remotely, we can arrange date and time for online meeting(s) based on your schedule

We are setting up our CRM and events management database in Airtable. We are looking for someone who knows how to create the bases in Airtable to classify our contacts, and linkup volunteers with activities.

What we have

Airtable access, excel databases

Why this is important

It will help us improve efficiency, keep better records of our volunteers and events, and eventually provide better data for making decisions.

Project Period

16 Jan 2023 - 31 Jan 2023



Team Project

You’ll be working with other awesome volunteers.



8 hours in total

  • CRM Systems
  • Technology
Experience Level
  • Some experience
  • Chinese (Cantonese)
  • English
Age Range

About the Organization

Blessing Community


Community Development
What we do

「仁人友福」行動平台(下稱平台) 致力推動及建立時間銀行,以回應香港人口老 化,安老服務長期追不上需求的狀況。目前有6,351位體弱長者正在輪候社區照 顧服務,26,709位正在輪候院舍服務。時間銀行以時間作為社區貨幣,積蓄社 區資本,建立關愛及公義社區,基本信念是人人皆可貢獻,每個人的貢獻同樣珍 貴,無論參與什麼工作,付出一小時可換回一小時自己所需服務。每一位時間銀 行成員都是「施受者」- 提供服務同時接受服務。例如,一位行動不便長者,透 過電話慰問,關懷別的長者和協助傳遞資訊,換得其他成員協助外出覆診;初 老成員提供陪診服務,換得其他成員的簡單家居維修服務。透過鼓勵時間銀行 成員自助互助、持續學習、建立社區網絡及參與回應社區需要,讓長者擁有活躍 和有尊嚴的晚年。本平台提供培訓活動和顧問服務,協助團體/機構建立時間銀 行,並透過社交媒體促進關於建立時間銀行的知識交流。

Airtable Support

8 hours in total, 16 days

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