Community Service Event Planner

Help orgainizing a community service in late Dec

Community Service Event Planner
Animal Welfare

Posted almost 2 years ago. Application closed.

Questions? Submit an enquiry

Project Details

What we need
  • Meet the organising committee and brainstorm event ideas (likely be a elderly home visit/ gift pack delivery in late Dec 2022)
  • Advise a timeline and execution plan, including event logistics and coordination with NGO partner
  • Manage volunteers (arrange briefing, coordinate work among the team)
  • Prepare event materials and ensure smooth running of community service
  • Volunteers with social work and event coordination experience preferred (Students studying social work are especially welcomed!)

We have a community service in late Dec and would like to have a volunteer support us on event planning.

What we have

A briefing will be provided to align the expectations, objectives and goals of the event. Our team will be supporting you and working with you align the way.

Why this is important

This event aim at sending love and support to people in need in our society.

Project Period

17 Nov 2022 - 31 Dec 2022



Team Project

You’ll be working with other awesome volunteers.

Honorarium available upon completion



4 hours per week

  • Event Planning
  • Volunteer Management
  • Project Management
Experience Level
  • Students
  • Some experience
  • Chinese (Cantonese)
Age Range

About the Organization

Beginning Mind Charity Fund 初心慈善基金


Animal Welfare
What we do

回歸每個人最原本的初心 -- 一顆想世界變得更美好的善心。 Together we make a better world.

Community Service Event Pla...

4 hours per week, 2 months

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