Foamboard Designer

Design a series of A3 foamboards for a human library event promoting mental health

Foamboard Designer
Community Development

Posted about 1 year ago. Application closed.

Questions? Submit an enquiry

Project Details

What we need
  • Join us for a 30 min briefing call to learn more about our organization and project tasks
  • Prepare the layout design using Adobe Illustrations for our A3 foamboards (~15 foamboards of similar designs)
  • The content for each foamboard and design references will be provided by our team
  • These foamboards will be used for a human library event promoting mental wellness, your creative input will be necessary to make our event a success!
  • Chinese-speaking volunteers with some experience using Adobe Illustrations preferred
  • Final design must be ready by 10 July, as our event is on 14 July

MINDSET College is the one and only education platform in Hong Kong that provides recovery-oriented mental health training and courses co-produced and taught by people in recovery alongside service professionals. The content combines recovery experience and professional knowledge in order to get closer to the people in recovery; meanwhile it promotes the teaching and learning of mental health service practitioners. In the process of co-production, people in recovery can experience equality and respect, and build their personal identity with greater confidence.《精神健康C計劃》是一項由精神健康諮詢委員會撥款資助,由浸信會愛羣社會服務處推行為期24個月,以信仰為基礎推動社區精神健康的計劃。主要透過三個重要元素(3C)持續推動社區精神健康,為社區人士、面對情緒及精神健康挑戰人士以及照顧者提供支援。

What we have

Design guideline and reference

Why this is important

Make the design of the foam boards more marketable to the general public, and eye-catching to the event's participants.

Project Period

20 Jun 2023 - 10 Jul 2023





5 hours per week

  • Infographic Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Adobe Creative Suite
Experience Level
  • Open to all
  • Students
  • Some experience
  • Extensive experience
  • Chinese (Cantonese)
Age Range

About the Organization

Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service (Mental Wellness Service)


Community Development
What we do

A Blend of Belief and Professionalism To implement “Christian Social Service” through the incorporation of Christian belief and professional social work. Holistic Care The services we provide focus on “the well being of the person as a whole”, including one’s physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual needs. Our service users include individuals, families, small groups and the communities. Innovative Service Keep abreast of time, to develop innovative services with new ideas by conducting evidence-based studies. Social Worker Training To provide placement opportunities for social work students. Collaboration with Churches To work with churches to spread the gospel by serving the needy 身心健康社區教育服務旨在加強社區人士對身心健康的關注及認識,以倡導平等及促進共融為願景。項目包括全人健康教育、生命樹義工同行計劃、思健學院,音樂藝術活動等。 With advocating equality and promoting inclusion as our vision, Community Mental Wellness Education Service aims to increase the awareness and knowledge of mental wellness within members of the community. These are brought about by our projects, including wellness education, Tree of Life Volunteer Project, Mindset College, as well as music and art activities.

Foamboard Designer

5 hours per week, 21 days

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