Help us tell our organization story by a major website revamp
We need a website that reflects the mission of our organization and better showcase our offering and projects
Branding guidelines, copy and images, any existing thinking on the future website experience
It is vital that a small organization like ours be able to showcase ourselves the best we can whenever we get the chance because the attention we get is so little - as we better present ourselves, we will be able to align with more resources and opportunities, where we can make a bigger social impact, which is to inspire more people becoming agents of change - and this could start with you.
01 Sep 2023 - 31 Dec 2023
4 hours per week
加減乘除(Agent of Change)成立於2015年,為一間社會企業、註冊慈善組織及香港社會服務聯會會員,以為基層提供廉宜但具質素的日用品起家,至今發展至致力整合公、商、民三方的資源和需要,以創意為驅動,以實質改變為目標的市場及活動策劃機構,為品牌及消費或使用者尋找更符合社會理念的可能性。
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