Social Media Assistant

Help us co-create social media posts and podcasts promoting art and culture in Hong Kong

Social Media Assistant
Arts & Culture
Mental Health

Posted 10 months ago. Application closed.

Questions? Submit an enquiry

Project Details

What we need
  • Create 2-3 chinese social media posts per week with the assistance and support from our social media manager
  • Join and assist with our on-site podcast production, an opportunity to meet local artists
  • Schedule posts & manage our Facebook and Instagram

壹藝術(香港)慈善基金會透過舉辦藝術和音樂相關的公益活動及交流,促進世界各地青少年對音樂藝術的發展。除了舉辦130天慈善遠征、青少年藝術創作比賽、音樂會、社區展覽外,我們亦積極經營線上媒體,分享本地年輕創作者的心路歷程,讓大眾更立體地認識本地年輕創作者,培養年輕人對藝術的興趣。 我們現正招募對社交媒體及藝術創作有興趣的年輕人,支援我們的日常社交媒體經營,如內容設計、圖像及影片編輯、實體訪問拍攝支援。我們期望此義工計劃能為更多香港年輕人提供接觸本地藝術的機會。1-art Charity Foundation HK aims to facilitate the development of music and arts among young adults. In addition to hosting a 130-day charity expedition, youth art competitions, concerts, and community exhibitions, we actively manage online media platforms to share the personal journeys of local young creators, enabling the public to gain a more comprehensive understanding of them. We hope to cultivate the interest of young individuals in the arts.We are currently seeking young individuals who have an interest in social media and art creation to support our day-to-day social media operations. This includes tasks such as content design, image and video editing, and providing assistance during on-site interviews. Through this volunteer program, we hope to offer more opportunities for Hong Kong's youth to engage with the local art scene.

What we have

(1) 提供設計模板和品牌指南、(2) 使用Canva Pro、(3) 獲得社交媒體經理在內容創作方面的支援,例如平面設計和影片編輯 (1) Design templates and brand guidelines available; (2) Access to Canva Pro ; (3) Support from social media manager on content creation e.g. graphic design & video editing

Why this is important

你的參與將有助我們一同推廣藝術表達、培育創意,一起打造一個藝術平台,展示本地多元的才華,讓更多觀眾深入了解和體驗本地藝術家的創作歷程和傑出作品,激勵跟多年輕人探索藝術。Your assistance will play a crucial role in promoting artistic expression, fostering creativity, and building a deeper appreciation for the arts within the community. Together, we can create a platform that showcases the diverse talents and artistic endeavours of Hong Kong, inspiring individuals to explore, engage, and participate in the vibrant arts scene. You will contribute to the amplification of the outstanding work of local artists and enable a wider audience to delve into the rich art and cultural landscape of Hong Kong.

Project Period

10 May 2024 - 31 Aug 2024


Remote & occasionally on-site support



5 hours per week

  • Canva
  • Social Media Copywriting
  • Graphic Design
  • Video Editing
  • Adobe Creative Suite
Experience Level
  • Students
  • Some experience
  • Chinese (Cantonese)
  • English
Age Range

About the Organization

1-art Charity Foundation HK Ltd.


Arts & Culture
Mental Health
What we do

壹藝術(香港)慈善基金會透過舉辦藝術和音樂相關的公益活動及交流,促進世界各地青少年對音樂藝術的發展,擴大偏遠地區孩子的視野和世界觀,達致社會共融。基金會創會主席陳奇偉先生曾於1988年獨自背包遊歷歐洲半年,30年後,他再發動更有意義的夢想旅程,以藝術連結及影響世界。 除了舉辦130天慈善遠征、青少年藝術創作比賽、音樂會、社區展覽外,我們亦積極經營線上媒體,分享本地年輕創作者的心路歷程,讓大眾更立體地認識本地年輕創作者,培養年輕人對藝術的興趣。 《了解更多我們》 Instagram:

Social Media Assistant

5 hours per week, 4 months

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