Research and identify potential KOLs / influencers and social media channels for partnership
We are launching a program which aims to spread environmental awareness to everyone in Hong Kong, especially the younger generations.
We will create a zoom meeting for the volunteer to easily fill in the information and also provide guidance throughout the project. We would prefer Hong Kong online influencers since this project is based in Hong Kong.
Having a popular online figure/influencer can help our organisation in many different ways, first would be making our upcoming projects easier to reach out to different groups of people, and secondly also alarming and educating the volunteer KOL so that they themselves can spread awareness about 1-art charity foundation’s goals.
15 Oct 2022 - 10 Dec 2022
2 hours per week
壹藝術(香港)慈善基金會透過舉辦藝術和音樂相關的公益活動及交流,促進世界各地青少年對音樂藝術的發展,擴大偏遠地區孩子的視野和世界觀,達致社會共融。基金會創會主席陳奇偉先生曾於1988年獨自背包遊歷歐洲半年,30年後,他再發動更有意義的夢想旅程,以藝術連結及影響世界。 除了舉辦130天慈善遠征、青少年藝術創作比賽、音樂會、社區展覽外,我們亦積極經營線上媒體,分享本地年輕創作者的心路歷程,讓大眾更立體地認識本地年輕創作者,培養年輕人對藝術的興趣。 《了解更多我們》 Instagram:
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