Sustainable Asia

Hong Kong



What we do

We produce engaging media content about Asia and our planet, with the goal to use the voices of Asia to bring environmental reporting and research to global audiences. Our radio shows, podcasts, written features, and videos also provide an training ground for a new wave of environmental reporters here in Asia through our partnership with HKU JMSC. In addition, we provide teaching guides as a partnership platform with academics around the world that use our media products. Our media partners include chinadialogue, HKFP. Our NGO partners include The Pangolin Reports and Ocean Recovery Alliance. Other supporting partners include the China Environment Forum of the Wilson Center, Pew Charitable Trusts, The Swire Group Charitable Trust, Media X HKU JMSC, RS Group in Hong Kong. We are applying for non-profit status in Hong Kong (which takes a long time!). Sustainable Asia is currently owned by SA Productions Ltd until our Hong Kong non profit status is approved.

Past Projects

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