Suicide Prevention Services

Hong Kong


Mental Health

What we do

「生命熱線」自1995年成立,為非政府直接資助的註冊慈善機構。於過去29年秉承益友服務的助人宗旨,一直致力為有自殺傾向或備受情緒困擾的人士提供益友及其他預防自殺服務。本會提供預防長者自殺服務、長者家庭支援服務、自殺者及突然離世者支援服務、社區教育及青少年生命教育,為各年齡層及有不同需要的人士提供適切支援。 Established in 1995, SPS is a registered charitable organization committed to helping people with suicidal tendencies and emotional depressions. Our services including Suicide Prevention Service for the Elderly, Service for Family with Elderly, Services for Survivors of Sudden Death and Suicide Loss, Community Education and Life Education for Youths.

Past Projects

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