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Themis K. is volunteering as Recycling Guides Designer for PSCHK Hoi Lai Children Development Centre

PSCHK Hoi Lai Children Development Centre

PSCHK Hoi Lai Children Development Centre

PSCHK Hoi Lai Children Development Centre was established in 2010. We aim to serve the need of the children and families living in the Sham Shui Po district, support the parents, and help the children grow healthy. 民社海麗兒童發展中心成立於2010年由社署《攜手扶弱基金》及新鴻基地產慈善基金資助成立,目的為回應區內兒童服務需要,支援家長,協助子女健康成長。 服務範圍:深水埗區 服務對象:服務區內兒童、青少年及其家庭 服務內容:課餘託管,協助參加的學童完成課業,然後參與集體遊戲,令學童達至健康身心的成長 家長支援:提升家長管教子女的能力,亦協助家長舒緩照顧家庭產生的壓力。 青少年身心成長活動:提供興趣班、戶外活動及親子活動,達至青少年身心健康成長。 義工發展:推動青少年及婦女成為義工,發展他們的潛能,培養他們關心社會,服務社區

Matched on

1 Mar 2021


volunteer hours completed

Themis K.

Hello! My name is Themis and I am currently pursuing a BFA in Communication Design at Parsons School of Design in New York City. I am passionate about causes such as climate action, social justice, and accessible design. I am looking to use my design skills to help. Some of my skills include design, animaiton, web design and illustration. My hobbies include painting, scultping and scuba diving.

What PSCHK Hoi Lai Children Development Centre needed help with:

Help us to create a set of recycling guides, which will be shared on social media and printed for to educate our users on how to identify different recycling materials during our activities. (Recycling Guides Designer project)

Recycling Guides Designer

Skills used

  • Brand Awareness
  • Flyer Design
  • Infographic Design
  • Graphic Design

Causes supported

Community Development

Thank you both for all the work you do in the world!

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