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Wendy A. is volunteering as NGO Outreach for Edvanced



Edvanced is a social innovation enabler. We use human centric designs and innovations to tackle social problems across sectors and industries, help visionary social pioneers bring ideas to actions.

Matched on

16 Jul 2021


volunteer hours completed

Wendy A.

Wendy is a qualified lawyer with experiences working with NGOs on charity formation and legal related matters including corporate structure, corporate governance, grant application, intellectual properties protection and contract review. Wendy is a co-founder and a board member of PaterMater上有高堂, the first entity in Hong Kong that promotes "子親關係" "adultchild-parent relationship". Wendy is also a board member and member of the fundraising committee of Hong Kong Inter-School Choral Festival, an annual Hong Kong event which is supported by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. Wendy completed her bachelor degrees (BBA(Law) and LLB) at The University of Hong Kong. She also did a Master Degree at Kings' College London in Medical Ethics and Law.

What Edvanced needed help with:

Connect us with more charities and NGOs in hope of learning their needs and identify opportunities for Edvanced's services (NGO Outreach project)

NGO Outreach

Skills used

  • Business Development
  • Outreach
  • Research
  • Client Engagement

Causes supported

Community Development
Arts & Culture

Thank you both for all the work you do in the world!

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