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Lisa M. is volunteering as Merchandise Copywriter for Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (HK)

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (HK)

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (HK)

Our mission is to promote kindness to animals, to protect their health and welfare and to prevent cruelty to animals. We also endeavor to cultivate a deep respect for life in the community through humane education, as we believe this will benefit personal growth and the development of our society. Although we are the first charity in Hong Kong to deal with all aspects of animal welfare, we obtain around only 1% of our funding from the government. The rest of our funding comes from the generosity of the general public, for which we are extremely grateful. It is a constant challenge to raise the funds necessary to continue our work. We believe that animals are living creatures which like humans, are able to feel pain, hunger and thirst. We should not inflict any suffering upon our fellow creatures just because they can't speak. The SPCA believes that animals deserve our protection, compassion and respect. We aim to prevent their suffering wherever we can through: Rescue of abandoned, sick and injured animals. 1. Operating an Inspectorate to rescue animals including wildlife, help enforce animal welfare laws and initiate prosecution of offenders. 2. Providing of low-cost desexing for cats and dogs to prevent unwanted litters. 3. Rehoming abandoned and rescued animals. 4. Hospitalisation of homeless animals whenever possible, providing necessary basic veterinary care, treatment of disease or major surgery. 5. Helping to control the animal population by working within the community on programmes to desex loosely owned and feral animals, territory wide. 6. Monitoring of food animal welfare standards. 7. Lobbying and working with government to bring about improved animal welfare legislation. 8. Public education on responsible pet ownership and animal welfare concepts.

Matched on

10 Sep 2024


volunteer hours completed

Lisa M.

I have taught German, French and English for 13 years in the UK and Hong Kong, as well as lead educational trips locally and abroad, including the DofE Award and the HKAYP Award. My interests outside of education include nature conservation, hiking, animals and fostering a greater sense of community. Since 2019, I have been a volunteer hike leader with the Hong Kong Hiking Meetup, which enables me to meet new people and create a sense of belonging whilst staying active and appreciating nature.

What Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (HK) needed help with:

Write creative Chinese and English phrases for our rescued pets' merchandise (Merchandise Copywriter project)

Merchandise Copywriter

Skills used

  • Copywriting
  • Product Marketing
  • Creative Writing

Causes supported

Animal Welfare

Thank you both for all the work you do in the world!

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