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Wendy A. is volunteering as Fundraising Proposal Advisor for Little Red Hood Development Foundation Limited

Little Red Hood Development Foundation Limited

Little Red Hood Development Foundation Limited

「小紅帽發展基金」的成立旨在為香港弱勢社 群兒童及青少年開創幸福人生,透過小紅帽 這個平台協助小朋友發展所長,期望他們日 後能開拓光明前景,擁有幸福美滿的生活。 
 「小紅帽發展基金」的服務對象主要為香港弱 勢社群兒童和家庭遇上特別困難的青少年, 以透過全人發展相關的計劃、體藝活動及支 援服務,協助他們身心健康發展,建立正面思 考及正確價值觀,重新認識及重建家庭關係 ,培養他們成為術德兼修、德智體群美五育 並重的孩子。

Matched on

30 Jun 2021


volunteer hours completed

Wendy A.

Wendy is a qualified lawyer with experiences working with NGOs on charity formation and legal related matters including corporate structure, corporate governance, grant application, intellectual properties protection and contract review. Wendy is also the founder of PaterMater上有高堂, the first entity in Hong Kong that promotes "子親關係" "adultchild-parent relationship". Wendy completed her bachelor degrees (BBA(Law) and LLB) at The University of Hong Kong. She also did a Master Degree at Kings' College London in Medical Ethics and Law.

What Little Red Hood Development Foundation Limited needed help with:

Review our bilingual fundraising proposal for temporary residential services for kids and single moms (Fundraising Proposal Advisor project)

Fundraising Proposal Advisor

Skills used

  • Fundraising Strategy
  • Fundraising Review
  • Fundraising
  • Fundraising Advisor

Causes supported

Mental Health

Thank you both for all the work you do in the world!

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