Volunteer matched!

Asheefa S. is volunteering as Finance Manager/Accountant for The Sovereign Art Foundation

The Sovereign Art Foundation

The Sovereign Art Foundation

The mission of The Sovereign Art Foundation is twin-fold: to recognise and help promote contemporary art talent around the world and to bring the proven benefits of expressive arts to disadvantaged children.

Matched on

4 Mar 2021


volunteer hours completed

Asheefa S.

What The Sovereign Art Foundation needed help with:

Assist us with simple financial planning and budgeting to support creation of a strategic plan for our charitable organisation (Finance Manager/Accountant project)

Finance Manager/Accountant

Skills used

  • Accounting
  • Budgeting
  • Operating Budget
  • Strategic Planning

Causes supported

Arts & Culture

Thank you both for all the work you do in the world!

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