Volunteer matched!

bryan h. is volunteering as DreamBacker for DreamStarter



DreamStarter is a community initiative that makes dream projects initiated by our students come true, through raising awareness, mentoring, crowdfunding and crowdsourcing support. We hope to foster children that possess a positive mindset in solving problems and grow up to confident adults who are not hesitated in pursuing his or her dreams, with a big heart to serve the community which aligned with United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Matched on

5 Mar 2021


volunteer hours completed

bryan h.

What DreamStarter needed help with:

We need a DreamBacker to support students on their Dream Projects by listening to their presentation, provide advices and resources support (DreamBacker project)


Skills used

  • Youth Mentorship
  • Mentorship
  • Entrepreneurship

Causes supported

Community Development

Thank you both for all the work you do in the world!

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