Volunteer matched!

cho lok l. is volunteering as Design Mentors for Under Production HK

Under Production HK

Under Production HK

/Under Production 陸續出版/ Under Production 於 2015 年成立,屬一群充滿創作熱誠和夢想之團隊,協助團隊成員接洽相關工作及出版自家團隊產品。成員包括香港年輕設計師、藝術工作者及創作人,服務主要包括平面設計、書籍出版、自家設計產品、創意數碼科技、原創音樂創作及主題微電影等。我們致力提供一個讓青年/半職創作人,透過實戰去展示其技能的創意平台。 /願景/ 透過培育人才,為本地創意產業注入新⾎,推動業界蓬勃發展 /​使命/ 為有意投⾝身創意產業的年輕人,安排實習機會,參與相關項⽬及活動

Matched on

23 Dec 2021


volunteer hours completed

cho lok l.

What Under Production HK needed help with:

Looking for design professionals to advise on youth's project who have little experience but passionate about the industry (Design Mentors project)

Design Mentors

Skills used

  • Coaching
  • Youth Mentorship
  • Video Post-Production
  • Videography
  • Mentorship
  • Video Editing
  • Video Production

Causes supported

Arts & Culture
Community Development

Thank you both for all the work you do in the world!

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