Volunteer matched!

Yoyo C. is volunteering as Artist Outreach Assistant for 1-art Charity Foundation HK Ltd.

1-art Charity Foundation HK Ltd.

1-art Charity Foundation HK Ltd.

壹藝術(香港)慈善基金會透過舉辦藝術和音樂相關的公益活動及交流,促進世界各地青少年對音樂藝術的發展,擴大偏遠地區孩子的視野和世界觀,達致社會共融。基金會創會主席陳奇偉先生曾於1988年獨自背包遊歷歐洲半年,30年後,他再發動更有意義的夢想旅程,以藝術連結及影響世界。 除了舉辦130天慈善遠征、青少年藝術創作比賽、音樂會、社區展覽外,我們亦積極經營線上媒體,分享本地年輕創作者的心路歷程,讓大眾更立體地認識本地年輕創作者,培養年輕人對藝術的興趣。 《了解更多我們》 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/1art.charity/

Matched on

12 Jun 2024


volunteer hours completed

Yoyo C.

What 1-art Charity Foundation HK Ltd. needed help with:

Help us connect with local artists and promote art & culture in Hong Kong (Artist Outreach Assistant project)

Artist Outreach Assistant

Skills used

  • Communication
  • Outreach
  • Public Relations

Causes supported

Arts & Culture
Mental Health

Thank you both for all the work you do in the world!

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