Volunteer matched!

Lesley C. is volunteering as Article / Social Media Copywriter for Asian Charity Services

Asian Charity Services

Asian Charity Services

Our mission is to effect change and raise standards and professionalism of small to medium-sized nonprofits, enabling them to be more effective, efficient, and sustainable in serving our communities.

Matched on

19 Nov 2021


volunteer hours completed

Lesley C.

Trained in the humanities, I integrate my stakeholder communication and project management skills to build 7+ years of work experience in PR, partnerships and events. I am a freelance writer, editor and translator qualified by the Chartered Institute of Linguists. I am interested in arts & culture, innovation and learning design. I am now based in the UK.

What Asian Charity Services needed help with:

A creative brain to help us craft content to communicate and engage with our key stakeholders (Article / Social Media Copywriter project)

Article / Social Media Copywriter

Skills used

  • Copywriting
  • Writing

Causes supported

Community Development

Thank you both for all the work you do in the world!

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