Digital Transformation and CRM Implementation



Meet Rankine, a seasoned expert in technology and digital transformation with over 20 years of experience in the banking and insurance industry. As the Director of Technology and Transformation at Deloitte Advisory Hong Kong Limited, Rankine brings a wealth of expertise to help NGOs implement CRM systems, leverage analytics, and drive digital transformation.

In this call, Rankine will help you learn more about Digital Transformation and CRM Implementation:

  • Best practices for implementing CRM systems
  • Strategies for successful digital transformation
  • Leveraging analytics to improve decision-making
  • Defining technology goals and objectives

CRM Systems
Digital Transformation

Preferred Time

  • Sat-Sun 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Apply for Call

Preferred Time
  • Sat-Sun 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Apply for Call

About Rankine

Rankine L.
Director, Technology and Transformation at Deloitte Advisory Hong Kong Limited
Hong Kong | Speaks English, Chinese

Seasoned Technology and Digital Transformation Expertise with 20+ years experience in Banking and Insurance Industry.

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