Review Business Proposals with the Design Thinking Framework



During this call, we can review your program/ service/ business proposals and brainstorm ideas using the Design Thinking Framework:

  • Emphathise: Understand your problem and users by gatheinrg insights and developing a deeper understnading of your needs

  • Define: Synthesizing gathered information to define the core problem or opportunity. Articulating a focused and actionable problem statement

  • Ideate: Generate creative solutions, free flow of ideas to generate a wide range of potential solutions

  • Prototype:  Creating tangible drafts of potential solutions to gather feedback and refine idea

  • Test: Using the feedback from users and stakeholders to evaluate the viability and desirability of the solutions. 

  • The process may be iterative to allow for continuous improvement. 


Business Development
Business Strategy
Program Development

Preferred Time

  • Every day 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Apply for Call

Preferred Time
  • Every day 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Apply for Call

About Peonie

Peonie L.
Hong Kong | Speaks English

I'm a seasoned people leader with more than 15 years experience in aviation and general management across the Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia. Passionate about advocating women in the workplace and a happy mom with two little ones.

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