SDG Strategy for NGO/Social Enterprise



The SDGs established by the United Nations provide a comprehensive framework for addressing the world's most pressing social, economic, and environmental challenges. NGOs and social enterprises play a crucial role in driving sustainable development by implementing innovative solutions and mobilizing resources.

A well-defined SDG strategy tailored to the specific objectives and capacities of an NGO or social enterprise is vital for maximizing impact and contributing to the global agenda.

The consultation can include:  

  1. Assessing Organizational Alignment
  2. Goal Prioritization and Target Setting
  3. Partnerships and Collaboration
  4. Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting
  5. Advocacy and Policy Influence

Strategy Consulting

Preferred Time

  • Every day 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM
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Preferred Time
  • Every day 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM

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About Benita

Benita C.
Hong Kong | Speaks English

A strong believer in community outreach, Benita works and advocates in professional as well as personal capacity for social causes with many different organizations. She has many citable experiences on collaboration with businesses, government, non-profits and youth on a wide range of advocacy projects. Benita is educated with a B.A. from Cornell University and M.A. from Boston University. Her scholastic knowledge and practical skills in research, psychology, education and experiential-learning gave her a unique competence in corporate and organisational training. She is passionate in diversity and inclusion, having coached differently-abled individuals at Outward Bound Hong Kong, curated the city's first LGBTQ+ tour, organized HK's first Green Women Festival, a mentor for RESOLVE Foundation, to name just a few. Benita founded Encompass HK in 2018 to realize her vocation for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through education and consultancy. Through Encompass HK, Benita has developed bespoke programs and tools such as Beer, Chocolate and Inclusion; Intersectionality; LGBTQ+ and mental health; Allyship bingo to discuss DEI issues. As an individual living with Bipolar Disorder and a Chinese lesbian, Benita regularly shares her personal journey in media interviews, panels and podcasts. Benita's other community commitments include serving as a Board Member of KELY Support Group and Youth Arch Foundation, Education Director of Pink Alliance, Mentor for HKUST HeadStart Fellows and Admission Interviewer for Li Po Chun United World College. Benita teaches part-time in The University of Hong Kong on SDGs and The Chinese University of Hong Kong on Diversity and Inclusion.

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