Meet Sammy Leung (森美), Media Personality

Meet Sammy Leung (森美), Media Personality
This experience has ended. It collected 144 volunteer hours.
Get dinner with Sammy Leung (森美), the beloved media personality who has carved out a successful career as a DJ, host, actor, writer and speaker in Hong Kong’s entertainment industry over the past 20 years!


擁有香港商業電台DJ、電視綜藝節目主持人、棟篤笑能手等多重身份的森美,主持技巧尤為出 色,執生表現更是備受各界認同。自從於2015年主持無線直播節目《超強選擇一分鐘》後,更被網 民冠以「超強執生」、 「執生王」等美名。 除了曾不只一次獲無綫電視廣播有限公司頒發「最佳節目主持獎」(2006年及2019年),以及大 舞臺及南華傳媒集團頒發「最受歡迎企業活動司儀大獎」等,森美亦獲邀到上海領取第十五屆上海 電視節「風采主持 - 最具個性主持奬」(2009年)。 除了本地電視台,森美還獲邀到廣東電視台當《春晚》及《美在花城新星大賽》,以及到馬來 西亞為《Astro 國際華裔小姐》等直播節目當司儀。而他獲邀替人氣韓星宋仲基、朴寶劍、李棟旭、 孔劉、著名組合Big Bang等於香港站粉絲見面會擔任主持人,表現更獲主辦商和觀眾一致讚好! 入行逾25年,森美一直嘗試不同方面的發展。除了為電台節目製作廣播劇,森美亦為《森美小儀歌劇團》擔任編劇、導演和 演員等多個崗位。又先後舉行多次個人棟篤笑演出,每場均為爆滿。 森美還曾在中文大學任兼職講師多年,傳授電台節目製作知識,現時在業界都有其學生。 另外,森美亦持續替多份報章雜誌撰寫不同範疇專欄,題材涉獵時事、娛樂、愛情、科技等等,推出的著作則包括詩集、劇 本、散文集和愛情攻略等多個類型。 近年除了經常當講座嘉賓講解創意、溝通和爆發潛能等不同課題,更進軍商界,開設自家的製作公司為各大機構構思精彩宣傳策略。

The talented and dynamic Sammy Leung has carved out successful career as a DJ, host, actor, writer and speaker in Hong Kong’s entertainment industry over the past 20 years. After graduating from New Asia College of the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1996, he scored a job as a DJ at Commercial Radio Hong Kong. He quickly became a household favorite with his articulation, quick wit and creative humor, and showed off his wide array of talents by producing, directing, writing and starring in a series of popular radio shows. His good looks have also allowed him to expand to hosting TV shows and starring in TV series and feature films. Additionally, he has penned columns for a wide range of newspapers and magazines on diverse topics ranging from hunting and entertainment to love and technology. He has published books on poetry, screenwriting and love tips, and has lectured on radio production at the university level. In recent years he has been hired to speak at forums and conferences and has even opened up a business specializing in formulating promotional strategies for large corporations.

Meet Sammy Leung (森美), Media Personality
Meet with Sammy

21 Jul 7:15pm

1 spot left!

Meeting will be held at K11 ATELIER King's Road. It will be conducted in Cantonese.


Cost per person is HK$50/HK$100 (Full-time students aged 25 or below) to support the running costs of our charity and our mission to make volunteerism mainstream.

The experience may be rescheduled or hosted online with consideration of the social distancing restrictions due to COVID-19. A new date and time will be communicated with the participants.

If you're joining as a donor, please note that donations are not refundable. If the event is rescheduled or hosted online and you can't make it, you reserve the right to choose another experience to attend within 6 months.

Please read our Late Cancellations & No Show Policy before applying:


Special thanks to Stephen Wong, Co-Founder and CEO of Dory Technology, for nominating Sammy!

Meet with Sammy

21 Jul 7:15pm

1 spot left!

Meeting will be held at K11 ATELIER King's Road. It will be conducted in Cantonese.

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Woah there!

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