Meet Winnie Tsang, Founder of Golden Scene (高先電影)

Meet Winnie Tsang, Founder of Golden Scene (高先電影)
This experience has ended. It collected 199 volunteer hours.
Meet Winnie, Founder of Golden Scene, which has distributed international films like The Ring (午夜凶鈴), Quill (導盲犬小Q), Twilight (吸血新世紀), and also local productions such as Still Human (淪落人), The Way We Dance (狂舞派) and more!


A long-time veteran of the Hong Kong film industry since the early 1980’s overseeing film acquisition, distribution and marketing, Winnie Tsang was the General Manager of Panasia Films Limited and later a Board Director of Golden Harvest Entertainment (Holdings) Limited from 1989 to 1998. Upon leaving Golden Harvest, she founded the Golden Scene Company Limited in 1998 where she immediately made a new name for herself a successful indie distributor handling successes (and regional long-shots) like The Ring, Iron Ladies and Quill into box office miracles. As one of Hong Kong’s leading independent distributors, Golden Scene is renowned for its diverse lineup including the Twilight and Step Up series, the award winning films such as The Lady, The Tree of Life, A Separation, The Hurt Locker, Secret Sunshine and The Host.

Golden Scene also distributes all films from the great directors Yoji Yamada, Woody Allen, Hou Hsiao-Hsien and Asghar Farhadi. Starting in 2007, Golden Scene ventured into film production with Simply Actors, Magic Boy, The Way We Dance, The Midnight After, Dot 2 Dot, Beyond The Dream and an animation The Greatest Detective Sherlock Holmes: The Jail Breaker. The company also handles international sales of the films it produces and acquires, including So Young, Break Up Club, At the End of Daybreak, Mad World, Weeds On Fire, Still Human etc. The new directors of the films Golden Scene handles have received 19 Best New Directors nominations with 6 wins at the Hong Kong Film Awards.

Winnie Tsang has always been an avid supporter of original productions by the younger generation of filmmakers in Hong Kong. She has produced and distributed The Way We Dance, which received great reviews and stellar box office results, inspiring a lot of younger filmmakers to pursue their dreams. She was a Founding Director of the Hong Kong Motion Picture Industry Association (MPIA) where she served from 1989 to 2003, and was a member of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council Entertainment Industry Advisory Committee from 2007 to 2011 and 2019 to present. Additionally she was a member of the Steering Committee and the Nominations Committee of the 1st to 8th Asian Film Awards. Winnie has been appointed a member of the Film Development Council from 2011 to 2017 and has been awarded a Medal of Honour in 2013 by the Government of the Hong Kong SAR. Winnie was appointed an executive committee member of the Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival & Awards from 2014 to 2017. She co-founded Hong Kong Kids International Film Festival in 2017. Winnie has been invited to be a member of The Academy since 2019.

曾麗芬在電影買賣、發行及宣傳方面皆有豐富經驗,於1989至1998年間,出任泛亞影業有限公司總經理及嘉禾娛樂事業(集團)有限公司董事。 於1998年自立門戶,成立高先電影有限公司,是一間引入高質素及多元化中外電影見稱的香港電影發行公司,創業初期經已締造了不少票房奇蹟,如《午夜凶鈴》、《人妖打排球》、及《導盲犬小Q》等。 高先發行的電影,由主流電影《吸血新世紀》系列、《舞出真我》系列,優質電影《閃亮人生》及獲獎電影《英女皇》、《生命樹》、《伊朗式分居》、《拆彈雄心》,以至亞洲新電影《密陽》、《韓流怪嚇》等。並發行近二十年所有山田洋次、活地亞倫、侯孝賢及阿斯加法哈迪的電影。 高先亦於2007年開始投資電影製作,包括《戲王之王》、《魔術男》、《狂舞派》、《那夜凌晨,我坐上了旺角開往大埔的紅Van》、《點對點》、《空手道》、《幻愛》,以至動畫電影《大偵探福爾摩斯逃獄大追捕 大電影》等。

高先業務亦包括世界性發行,除了高先出品的電影外,亦包括《致我們終將逝去的青春》、《一念無明》、《點五步》、《淪落人》、《金都》、《幻愛》及《戲棚》等。 她為支持香港電影年輕一代多些原創,投資了《狂舞派》這本地製作,影片叫好叫座,鼓勵了不少年青製作人。她發行了25部新導演作品,其中19位新導演獲提名香港電影金像獎最佳新晉導演,6位獲獎。

曾麗芬於1989年為香港影業協會 (MPIA) 為創會理事至2003年。於2007至2011及2019至今,為香港貿易發展局影視娛樂業咨詢委員。為2007年第一屆至第八屆的亞洲電影大獎選片顧問,及由2011至2017年她被委任香港電影發展局委員,2013年更獲香港特別行政區政府頒發榮譽勳章,而在2014至2017年獲委任為台北金馬影展執行委員會委員。於2017年她聯合創辦香港兒童國際電影節。2019年獲邀成為美國奧斯卡會員。

Meet Winnie Tsang, Founder of Golden Scene (高先電影)
Zoom with Winnie

12 Jan 7:30pm

All places taken.

It will be conducted in Cantonese.


Cost per person is HK$50 (Full-time students aged 25 or below)/ HK$100 (General Participants) to support the running costs of our charity and our mission to make volunteerism mainstream.


Special thanks to Felix Chong, Renowned Movie Director and Screenwriter, for nominating Winnie!

Zoom with Winnie

12 Jan 7:30pm

All places taken.

It will be conducted in Cantonese.

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