Meet Felix Chong (莊文強), Renowned Movie Director and Screenwriter

Meet Felix Chong (莊文強), Renowned Movie Director and Screenwriter
This experience has ended. It collected 152 volunteer hours.
Meet Felix Chong (莊文強), the award-winning director and screenwriter who created Infernal Affairs (無間道), Overheard series (竊聽風雲系列), Project Gutenberg (無雙) and many more!


Mr. Felix Chong is a renowned movie director and screenwriter in Hong Kong. He graduated from School of Communication of Hong Kong Baptist University. Before embarking on a career in the movie industry, Mr. Chong worked as a copy writer and script supervisor at Television Broadcasts Limited. To his credit, he has created many screenplays. Among his award-winning masterpieces, the much acclaimed Infernal Affairs trilogy scooped the awards for Best Screenplay and numerous awards in various categories in Hong Kong Film Awards, Golden Bauhinia Awards and Hong Kong Screenwriters’ Guild. Infernal Affairs was adapted by Hollywood filmmaker Martin Scorsese as The Departed which won four awards in The Oscars. Mr. Chong’s other renowned screenplays include the Initial D, a top-grossing film in Asia and Confession of Pain, which earned a nomination in Hong Kong Film Awards. In 2011, his first directed film Once A Gangster won him the award for Best New Director in Hong Kong Film Awards. The series of Overheard also earned many nominations in different film awards for him. Overheard, Overheard 2 and Overheard 3 were awarded the Recommended Screenplay by Hong Kong Screenwriters’ Guild and the Recommended Movie by Hong Kong Film Critics Society in 2009, 2011 and 2014 respectively. Overheard 3 also won the Best Screenplay in Hong Kong Film Awards in 2015. Another creation The Silent War earned the nomination for Best Screenplay in the Hong Kong Film Awards in 2013. In 2018, his second directed film Project Gutenberg also received many public accolades. The film Integrity released in 2019 was his first produced movie.

莊文強,為香港著名電影導演及編劇,香港浸會學院傳理系畢業,曾任電視廣播有限公司螢幕宣傳部撰稿員及編審,其後投身電影界,至今已創作無數電影劇本。 他的編劇作品屢獲殊榮,其中《無間道》三部曲,曾奪得香港電影金像獎、香港電影金紫荊獎及香港電影編劇家協會的最佳編劇獎及其他獎項。該片更由美國著名電影導演馬田.史高西斯重拍為《無間道風雲》,並囊括四項奧斯卡金像獎大獎。莊文強的其他著名編劇作品包括席捲亞洲多個地區票房冠軍的《頭文字D》及獲提名香港電影金像獎最佳編劇的《傷城》。 2011年憑首次個人執導電影《飛砂風中轉》於香港電影金像獎獲頒新晉導演獎項。其後的《竊聽風雲》系列亦為他帶來多個獎項提名,成為膾炙人口的佳作。《竊聽風雲》、《竊聽風雲2》及《竊聽風雲3》分別於2009、2011及2014年獲香港電影編劇家協會頒發推薦劇本獎,以及獲香港電影評論學會評選為年度推薦電影。《竊聽風雲3》於2015年獲頒香港電影金像獎最佳編劇獎項。另一作品《聽風者》於2013年香港電影金像獎中獲得最佳編劇提名。2018年上映的《無雙》為莊文強第二部個人執導之電影,票房及口碑均創下佳績,獲獎無數。2019年上映的《廉政風雲 煙幕》更為其第一部監製之作品。

Meet Felix Chong (莊文強), Renowned Movie Director and Screenwriter
Dinner with Felix (13 Jan 2020)

13 Jan 7:15pm

3 spots left!

It will be held at 7:15-9:30pm at K11 ATELIER in Tsim Sha Tsui on 13 Jan 2020 and conducted in Cantonese.


All volunteer hours must be completed during 1 August 2019 to 5 January 2020.

Cost per person is HK$150 (Full-time students aged 25 or below)/ HK$250 (General Participants) to support the running costs of our charity and our mission to make volunteerism mainstream.

Dinner will be held at 7:15pm-9:30pm at K11 ATELIER in Tsim Sha Tsui on 13 January 2020.

Special thanks to our Impact Supporter - K11 ATELIER

K11 ATELIER is the first office building to introduce the Vertical Creative City concept, transforming the design, purpose and culture of workplaces. It is a workplace for the next-generation workforce, and fosters a community for enterprises, entrepreneurs and disruptors to connect and collide productively. Exclusively curated for the new generation of talents and office workers, the K11 ATELIER ACADEMY offers a unique platform where knowledge is exchanged, fun is shared, and creativity sparks.



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Dinner with Felix (13 Jan 2020)

13 Jan 7:15pm

3 spots left!

It will be held at 7:15-9:30pm at K11 ATELIER in Tsim Sha Tsui on 13 Jan 2020 and conducted in Cantonese.

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