Meet Doris Leung, Founder of Diamond Cab

Meet Doris Leung, Founder of Diamond Cab
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Doris set up Diamond Cab to solve social injustice in the logistics space for the disabled, a social enterprise that helps many in need


Doris Leung graduated at Hong Kong Polytechnic University studying Language and Communication in 1993. After the first degree, she finished the Master in Journalism at Hong Kong University in 2003. She worked at I-Cable News since graduation and had been promoted to Principal Reporter before quitting in 2009. Doris’ interest is reporting community stories in which she enjoys human touch with the underprivileged. With the deeply rooted concept on social injustice, she found her new career path with Social Ventures Hong Kong, a venture philanthropy organization supporting the social enterprises. She volunteers herself to organize the member activities at SVhk and also incubate the social enterprise idea of disabled transportation. Doris is deeply involved in the disabled transportation because her mom became the wheelchair user in 2007 after the brain operation. She found the social injustice with serious lack of legal, safe and convenient point-to-point transportation for wheelchair users in Hong Kong. After working hard for years, Doris finally set up Diamond Cab (HK) Limited with the support of SVhk, taxi license owner, nursing home owners and a group of visionary individuals. She is the CEO managing the daily operation of the cab fleet and developing the business to sustain the company with groundbreaking social innovation. Diamond Cab is able to achieve marginal operating profit in the second year of operation. Doris was awarded Young Social Entrepreneur Award 2011, Capital Leaders of Excellence 2011, Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards 2013 Finalist (Asia Pacific), The Purpose Economy Asia 100, Chivas The Venture 2015 Hong Kong Finalist and JESSICA Most Successful Women 2015. Diamond Cab is the Highly Commended International Social Enterprise of the Year at UK Social Enterprise Awards 2012, The Fifth of My Favorite Best Five Social Enterprises in 2013, The 5th HK Outstanding Citizenship Bronze Award.
Meet Doris Leung, Founder of Diamond Cab
Lunch with Doris

2 spots left!

After seeing social injustice in the logistics space for the disabled, Doris set out to set up an innovative social enterprise not only to help those in need, but to help them thrive and enjoy life with new initiatives such as "Diamond Leisure", which seeks corporate sponsorship to transport the elders in wheelchairs regularly with Diamond Cab to enjoy the leisure activities. Enjoy lunch with Doris, and feel free to pick her brains on how to set up a successful social enterprise! Lunch will take place on 30 April (Sat).


All volunteer hours must be completed during Jan - Apr 2016. Lunch will take place on 30 April (Sat).

Lunch with Doris

2 spots left!

After seeing social injustice in the logistics space for the disabled, Doris set out to set up an innovative social enterprise not only to help those in need, but to help them thrive and enjoy life with new initiatives such as "Diamond Leisure", which seeks corporate sponsorship to transport the elders in wheelchairs regularly with Diamond Cab to enjoy the leisure activities. Enjoy lunch with Doris, and feel free to pick her brains on how to set up a successful social enterprise! Lunch will take place on 30 April (Sat).

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Woah there!

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