Meet So Man Fung (蘇民峰), Feng Shui Master

Meet So Man Fung (蘇民峰), Feng Shui Master
This experience has ended. It collected 201 volunteer hours.
Meet Master So, a sought-after Feng Shui expert, astrology guidebook writer, and an occasional actor and television presenter!


With over 30 years of experience, So Man Fung is one of the most prominent Feng Shui experts in Hong Kong. Master So’s career began in 1983, and in 1987, he spent half a year in Tibet collecting field experience in Buddhist sacred places such as Mount Kailash and ‘Sacred Lake’. Master So is also an online personality who has more than 110k followers on his official Facebook page. He is also involved in the entertainment industry, with Feng Shui Lecture of Master So Series (2006) and Master So Food (2012) being his notable works on television. Over the years, Master So’s expertise has taken him across the world to countries like Spain, Denmark and Canada where he conducted surveys on Feng Shui. He is also skilled in areas such as palmistry, face reading and zodiac predictions.

蘇民峰是香港其中一位最傑出的風水大師, 他具備三十年的風水命理經驗。他在1983年開始踏足這個行業, 而在1987年, 蘇師傅花了半年在西藏各處例如「神山」、「聖湖」等佛教聖地實地體驗。 他也是風水界的KOL, 在他個人臉書頁面裡有超過11萬追隨者。蘇師傅也在演藝界里活躍中, 代表作品有「峰」生水起精讀班 (2006) 和 食得峰騷 (2012)。 多年來, 蘇師傅獲聘往多國包括西班牙,丹麥及加拿大勘察風水。他也會研究掌相,面相和生肖預測。

Meet So Man Fung (蘇民峰), Feng Shui Master
Afternoon tea with Master So (19 Oct)

19 Oct 2:45pm

1 spot left!

It will be held at K11 ATELIER in Tsim Sha Tsui at 3:15-5:30pm on 19 Oct 2019 and conducted in Cantonese.


All volunteer hours must be completed during 1 May 2019 to 10 October 2019.

Afternoon tea will be held at K11 ATELIER in Tsim Sha Tsui from 3:15-5:30pm on 19 October 2019. It will be conducted in Cantonese.

Cost per person is HK$100 (Full-time students aged 25 or below)/ HK$200 (General Participants) to support the running costs of our charity and our mission to make volunteerism mainstream.

Special thanks to our Impact Supporter - K11 ATELIER

K11 ATELIER is the first office building to introduce the Vertical Creative City concept, transforming the design, purpose and culture of workplaces. It is a workplace for the next-generation workforce, and fosters a community for enterprises, entrepreneurs and disruptors to connect and collide productively. Exclusively curated for the new generation of talents and office workers, the K11 ATELIER ACADEMY offers a unique platform where knowledge is exchanged, fun is shared, and creativity sparks.



Cover photo credit: ETNet

Afternoon tea with Master So (19 Oct)

19 Oct 2:45pm

1 spot left!

It will be held at K11 ATELIER in Tsim Sha Tsui at 3:15-5:30pm on 19 Oct 2019 and conducted in Cantonese.

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Woah there!

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