Meet Bob Lam (林盛斌), Actor, DJ and Emcee

Meet Bob Lam (林盛斌), Actor, DJ and Emcee
This experience has ended. It collected 118 volunteer hours.
Meet Bob, the sought-after emcee, actor and DJ who shot to fame with his programmes at Metro Radio & TVB.


Bob Lam is a well-known Hong Kong emcee, actor and DJ. He has been the DJ of the radio channel “Metro Info” since 2003. He shot to fame with the radio programmes “New Banana Club” and “Happy Family”. Bob joined the Television Broadcasts Limited in 2012. Since then, he is given more opportunities to reach out to the public. He has hosted different shows including “Big Boys Club, “The Conquerors”, “Street Sorcerers 2” and “Cooking Beauties 3”. Having a particularly witty sense of humour, he is greatly appreciated by audiences. Besides, he has also participated in various TV dramas such as “Inbound Troubles” and “Gilded Chopsticks”. He was nominated for the “Best Actor in Supporting Role” and the “Best Host” by “TVB Awards Presentation 2013” and “TVB Awards Presentation 2017” respectively. In 2017, he even took the leading role of the film “Lucky Fat Man". His deep, attractive voice also recommended him to the film producers and brought him a series of chances to show his talents, including to dub for the film “Penguins of Madagascar”, “The Boss Baby”, and the 3D Korean film “MR. GO”. As a popular MC noted for his great intelligence and wit, Bob often hosts a wide range of events, such as large-scale TV shows, press conferences, banquets and award presentations of different companies. This super dad with four children even developed his own business in recent years – he is now one of the bosses of a design and entertainment production company, which proves that he is truly an all-round talent. Since 2015, he has held his first stand-up comedy “BOB’s UP” in Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia and mainland China, sharing his own experiences and some interesting news of the entertainment industry. He wishes to spread happiness and bring a great deal of positive energy to our society.

林盛斌(Bob)為香港著名主持、演員及DJ。2003年起擔任香港新城知訊台DJ,並因節目《新香蕉俱樂部》及《開心家天下》為人熟悉。 Bob於2012年加盟無綫電視後獲更多機會接觸廣大觀眾,開始擔任《兄弟幫》、《快樂聯盟》、《街頭魔法王2》、《美女廚房3》等多個節目的主持,幽默風格深得觀眾喜愛。及後,他挑戰拍攝電視劇,參演《老表,你好嘢!》和《食為奴》等劇集,以出色的演技演活不同角色。他曾獲得《萬千星輝頒獎典禮2013》「最佳男配角」提名,以及《萬千星輝頒獎典禮2017》「最佳男配角」提名。2017年,Bob擔綱主演電影《我要發達》,令他的演技進一步備受肯定。此外,其獨具磁性的聲線亦得到製片商青睞,為卡通電影《荒失失企鵝》、《波士BB》、韓片《超級巨猩3D》配音。 作為司儀界紅人,Bob屢次出任大型電視節目、品牌活動、記者會、晚宴及頒獎禮等場合的司儀。已為四個小孩之父的他,近年更涉足商界,現為一間設計及娛樂製作公司老闆之一,堪稱全能藝人。 自2015年起,Bob先後於香港、澳門、馬來西亞、內地舉行個人棟篤笑《BOB’s UP》,分享入行多年的經驗及娛樂圈趣聞。他希望憑藉自己的口才傳遞歡樂,繼續為社會帶來正能量。

Meet Bob Lam (林盛斌), Actor, DJ and Emcee
Lunch with Bob (23 Feb)

23 Feb 12:15pm

Limited spaces available.

Lunch will be held at BLOOM at 12:15-2:30pm on 23 Feb 2019. The session will be conducted in Cantonese.


All volunteer hours must be completed during 15 September 2018 to 15 February 2019.

Lunch will be held at BLOOM ui from 12:15-2:30pm on 23 February 2019. It will be conducted in Cantonese.

Cost per person is HK$100 (Full-time students aged 25 or below)/ HK$200 (General Participants) to support the running costs of our charity and our mission to make volunteerism mainstream.

Venue Sponsor:
BLOOM is a new co-working space located in the heart of Tsim Sha Tsui, managed by Jumpstart Business Centre. BLOOM provides a large open space with different settings by members to roam around according to the mode of work during different times of the day. Their regular events will include pitching nights, sharing sessions with successful entrepreneurs and other networking activities.

By drawing members together, they can expand their network, increase their brand awareness and even doing business with each other. They provide full-time and part-time hot desk membership and private studio rental. To learn more, please visit

Lunch with Bob (23 Feb)

23 Feb 12:15pm

Limited spaces available.

Lunch will be held at BLOOM at 12:15-2:30pm on 23 Feb 2019. The session will be conducted in Cantonese.

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Woah there!

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