Meet Benjamin Au Yeung (Ben Sir), Chinese Linguist & TV Host

Meet Benjamin Au Yeung (Ben Sir), Chinese Linguist & TV Host
This experience has ended. It collected 171 volunteer hours.
The scholar-turned-celebrity shot to fame by teaching Cantonese slangs on TV in 2016. He also produced his own stand-up comedy show early this year and appeared in movies & TV series.


Benjamin Au Yeung Wai Hoo (Ben Sir), is a scholar in Linguistics. Apart from his career in academia, Benjamin is also a host, actor and the former senior lecturer at the Chinese University of Hong Kong’s Department of Chinese Language and Literature. Benjamin finished a Bachelor’s degree in English and Master of Philosophy at Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1995 and in 1997 respectively. He obtained his PhD at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2005. Awarded “LSHK Outstanding Thesis Award” by the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong, Benjamin’s academic publications were cited by top universities, such as Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and University of Cambridge etc. Besides his career in education, Benjamin writes columns for “Ming Pao”. His passages are extended to other media platforms, such as “Hong Kong Economic Journal”, “The Sing Tao Daily” and “Oriental Daily News” as well. In the movement of Cantonese conservation, he supports the promotion of Cantonese and the use of traditional Chinese characters, determined to save Cantonese from a slow death. He is well-known for explaining the use of Cantonese words and grammar in a humorous way. In 2016, he was nominated for the “Best Host” by “TVB Awards Presentation 2016” when he appeared on a local television programme, “Sermon By Sir Ben”. The scholar-turned-celebrity wishes that being in the entertainment industry would allow him to promote the culture and the dialect through different performances, combining academia and entertainment.

歐陽偉豪(Ben Sir),香港語言學家、主持及演員,曾任職香港中文大學中國語言及文學系高級講師。 歐陽偉豪於1995年獲得香港中文大學文學士學位,主修英文及於1997年獲得哲學碩士學位。之後再於2005年取得香港科技大學哲學博士。曾於2006年獲得香港語言學學會最佳博士論文獎,其學術著作曾被麻省理工學院、劍橋大學等引用。 除了學校教學之外,他在《明報》專欄教授中文及英文知識,也有為《信報》及《星島日報》撰寫專欄,並曾連續一年多為《東方日報》撰寫專欄。而在保護本土粵語運動中,他支持廣東話的發展及保留繁體字。 2016年,他因在電視節目中以輕鬆搞笑手法講解粵語用字及語法而成名。他憑無綫電視綜藝節目《Ben Sir學堂》獲提名《萬千星輝頒獎典禮2016》「最佳節目主持」。他接受傳媒訪問時表示「沒想過人生可以變成這樣,原來將學術與演藝結合是有可能的」。

Meet Benjamin Au Yeung (Ben Sir), Chinese Linguist & TV Host
Dinner with Ben Sir (29 Aug)

29 Aug 7:15pm

3 spots left!

Dinner will be held at the Hive Kennedy Town from 6:45-9pm on 29 Aug. It will be conducted in Cantonese.


All volunteer hours must be completed during 20 March to 20 August 2018.

Dinner will be held at the Hive Kennedy Town from 6:45-9pm on 29 August 2018. It will be conducted in Cantonese.

Cost per person is HK$150 (Full-time students aged 25 or below)/ HK$250 (General Participants) to support the running costs of our charity and our mission to make volunteerism mainstream.

Venue Sposnor:
The Hive Studios is coworking space, with a cafe area, dedicated desks, photographers booths and private offices set around one professional-sized fashion photography studio. Our aim is to build a creative coworking community of creative freelancers, photographers, writers, bloggers, editorial teams, and start-ups that find it very helpful to work with the studio and vibrant community all in one space.

Photo credit: East Touch, Oriental Sunday

Dinner with Ben Sir (29 Aug)

29 Aug 7:15pm

3 spots left!

Dinner will be held at the Hive Kennedy Town from 6:45-9pm on 29 Aug. It will be conducted in Cantonese.

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Woah there!

This experience has not started yet :) It will start on Jun 24, 2018


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