Meet Starfish (海星), Founder and Principal of RTC Gaia School (鄉師自然學校)

Meet Starfish (海星), Founder and Principal of RTC Gaia School (鄉師自然學校)
This experience has ended. It collected 135 volunteer hours.
Frustrated with HK's rigid & test-oriented education system, Starfish started a primary school where Mother Nature acts the teacher.


Starfish graduated from Hong Kong Baptist University with a Bachelor degree in Applied Physics. Since 1997, he has served as a rural school teacher. In 2001, he and his friends started exploring the possibilities of creating a “nature school”, and after some preparation, RTC Gaia School was established in 2007, and now he is the school principal. Starfish is passionate about teaching, even more so about living an unadorned and green life. He lives in a modest house in the hills of the New Territories, where his daughters experience nature and relish in nature’s embrace daily. Over the years, he has has shared with his readers the joy of “nature education”, publishing multiple articles in various newspapers. Some of his articles are recorded in the books “Ten Years in Nature School - a Journal” and “Firefly Academy Green Journal”. In 2011, He wrote his own book “Good Parenting is Letting Go” . In 2000, Starfish joined the “Earth Walker” tutor training course and dedicated his spare time into growing the Gaia Association (commonly known as “GAIA school”). In 2006, he began devoting all his time to building and managing the school.

海星(葉頌昇)畢業於香港浸會大學(應用物理學學士),1997年開始擔任村校教師,2001年開始與一班好友研習創立自然學校的可能,2007年和好友創立鄉師自然學校,現任該校校長。 海星熱愛教育工作,更愛簡樸自然生活。現居於新界的山中小屋,每天帶領兩名女兒體驗自然樂事,認識小鳥小蛙,種花種菜,感受自然美景。 多年來書寫在自然教育的所見所聞、所思所想,與讀者一同分享其中教學的樂趣,在各大報刊發表。文章部分收錄在書籍《自然學校十年生活札記》、《螢火蟲學苑綠色生活札記》,2011年出版了個人作品《放手自然教出好孩子》。 時光荏苒,由2000年參加自然協會的「大地行者」導師訓練班,然後奉獻工餘時間發展自然協會(當時坊間已慣稱自然協會為自然學校),至2006年全身投入創校工作,甚至後來擔任校長,原來轉眼已過17載。

Meet Starfish (海星), Founder and Principal of RTC Gaia School (鄉師自然學校)
School Visit and Afternoon tea with Starfish (5 May)

5 May 1:45pm

3 spots left!

Event will be held at RTC Gaia School at 1:45 - 4pm on 5 May. It will be conducted in Cantonese.


All volunteer hours must be completed during 30 November 2017 to 30 April 2018.

School visit and afternoon tea will be held at RTC Gaia School at 1:45 - 4pm on 5 May 2018. It will be conducted in Cantonese.

Cost per person will be HK$150 to cover the running costs of the program.

School Visit and Afternoon tea with Starfish (5 May)

5 May 1:45pm

3 spots left!

Event will be held at RTC Gaia School at 1:45 - 4pm on 5 May. It will be conducted in Cantonese.

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