Meet Ronald Chan, Founder of Chartwell Capital

Meet Ronald Chan, Founder of Chartwell Capital
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Ronald is a prominent Value Investor who wrote a book with and on Warren Buffet


After university graduation, Ronald had aspirations of launching an investment career in New York. However the 9/11 terrorist attack disrupted life in the city and forced him to rethink that career choice. He did the next brave thing: return to Hong Kong and set up his own investment firm. In 2007, Ronald founded Chartwell Capital and launched the firm’s flagship fund, the Asia Equities focused Chartwell Value Fund. Started with a capital of $10 million, the fund has since grown to $170 million. With the legendary value investor Warren Buffet’s support and endorsement, Ronald published the book Behind the Berkshire Hathaway Curtain: Lessons from Warren Buffett’s Top Business Leaders in 2010, offering a behind-the-scenes look into the careers of Warren Buffett’s top managers. Ronald Chan founded Chartwell Capital Limited ( in 2007 and currently serves as Chief Investment Officer. Seeking undervalued investment opportunities based on fundamental analysis, Ronald believes that the company’s strength lies in its value-driven principles, backed by a long-term investment horizon and keen awareness of the need for a margin of safety between an investment’s market price and its intrinsic value. Ronald holds Bachelor of Science degrees in Finance and Accounting from the Stern School of Business at New York University, and is a columnist whose informative articles appear regularly on Reuters and in The Standard newspaper in Hong Kong and Better Investing magazine in the United States. In 2010, he published a book about the career successes of Warren Buffett’s top managers – Behind the Berkshire Hathaway Curtain: Lessons from Warren Buffett’s Top Business Leaders. In 2012, he published his second book, The Value Investors: Lessons from the World’s Top Fund Managers, which focuses on the investment philosophy and careers of twelve value investors from around the world. In all of his writing, Ronald argues that investors should always keep their activities simple and focus on what they know best. He is convinced that a sensible investment decision should never be more than a page long.
Meet Ronald Chan, Founder of Chartwell Capital
Lunch with Ronald

3 spots left!

Ronald has achieved a number of major milestones - establishing Chartwell Capital, managing well-performing funds, writing a book on some of the most prominent value investors in the world with support from the one and only Warren Buffett. Chat with Ronald over lunch about how he's done it all, learn about value investing and perhaps exchange a few trade ideas!


All volunteer hours must be completed during September to December 2014.

Lunch with Ronald

3 spots left!

Ronald has achieved a number of major milestones - establishing Chartwell Capital, managing well-performing funds, writing a book on some of the most prominent value investors in the world with support from the one and only Warren Buffett. Chat with Ronald over lunch about how he's done it all, learn about value investing and perhaps exchange a few trade ideas!

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