Meet Prof. Edward K Y Chen, Chairman of HKU SPACE

Meet Prof. Edward K Y Chen, Chairman of HKU SPACE
This experience has ended. It collected 70 volunteer hours.
Meet Prof. Chen with a distinguished career as educator, administrator, public servant and economist. His former positions include the President of Lingnan University, the Chairmen of Consumer Council and a Member of Legislative and Executive Council.


Professor Chen is Chairman of HKU SPACE (School of Professional and Continuing Education), Distinguished Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Hong Kong, Honorary Professor of the Open University of Hong Kong, Chairman of the Advisory Council of Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research, and independent non-executive director of First Pacific Company, Delta Asia Financial Group, Hang Seng Qianhai Fund Management, and Wharf Company. He is the former President of Lingnan University in Hong Kong introducing liberal arts education, and former Chairman of the Consumer Council promoting competition policy in Hong Kong. He is also former Member of the Executive Council and the Legislative Council of Hong Kong. He served as President of the Qianhai Institute for Innovative Research in Shenzhen (2014 to 2017).

Professor Chen was educated at the University of Hong Kong and Oxford University. He is a pioneer in the study of Asia’s newly industrialized economies, and has particular research interest in regional cooperation and the economics of technological change. He received honorary doctorates from the University of Hong Kong, the Open University of Hong Kong and Plymouth University.

Meet Prof. Edward K Y Chen, Chairman of HKU SPACE
Afternoon tea with Prof. Chen (15 Apr)

15 Apr 3:15pm

2 spots left!

Afternoon tea will be held at 3:15pm at Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel on 15 Apr.


All volunteer hours must be completed from 1 November 2017 to 1 April 2018.

Afternoon tea will be held at 3:15pm at Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel on 15 April 2018.

The cost will be HK$150 per person to cover the running cost of the program.

Afternoon tea with Prof. Chen (15 Apr)

15 Apr 3:15pm

2 spots left!

Afternoon tea will be held at 3:15pm at Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel on 15 Apr.

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Woah there!

This experience has not started yet :) It will start on Jan 21, 2018


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