Meet Mo Yee, Former MD & Joint Head of Corporate Finance Group of UBS Investment Bank, Asia

Meet Mo Yee, Former MD & Joint Head of Corporate Finance Group of UBS Investment Bank, Asia
This experience has ended. It collected 115 volunteer hours.
Meet Mo Yee, a former senior investment banker at UBS who once completed a seven day 250km ultra-marathon in Madagascar to raise HK$3.3 million for charities.


Mo Yee has led numerous major banking transactions such as the initial public offerings of MTRC, Samsonite and L'Occitane, as well as the US$38 billion takeover by PCCW of Cable & Wireless HKT in Hong Kong. By day, she was a senior banker with a demanding career and in her free time, she dances, runs, and actively seeks opportunities to give back to society, such as going on 4 house building volunteering trips with Habitat for Humanity.

From doing no sports a few years ago, she completed a grueling 7-day, 250km ultra marathon in the Madagascar wilderness, all the while carrying almost 10kg on her back, to raise funds and awareness for The Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women and Habitat for Humanity. Her initial fundraising target of USD125k was exceeded to the tune of USD450k. Apart from being a TEDx speaker, Habitat for Humanity has recognised Mo Yee as a Young Game Changer and she is one of only 6 individuals recognized by UBS Hong Kong for outstanding contribution to the Community.

Meet Mo Yee, Former MD & Joint Head of Corporate Finance Group of UBS Investment Bank, Asia
Dinner with Mo Yee (13 March)

13 Mar 6:45pm

All places taken.

Dinner will be held at Eaton House at 6:45pm on 13 March.


All volunteer hours must be completed from 1 October 2017 to 1 March 2018.

Dinner will be held at Eaton House at 6:45pm on 13 March 2018.

The cost will be HK$250 per person to cover the running cost of the program.

Dinner with Mo Yee (13 March)

13 Mar 6:45pm

All places taken.

Dinner will be held at Eaton House at 6:45pm on 13 March.

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Woah there!

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