Meet Alfred Chan, Managing Director of The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited

Meet Alfred Chan, Managing Director of The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited
This experience has ended. It collected 154 volunteer hours.
Meet Alfred, who has fostered the expansion of the local gas utility company into a diversified business in Asia in the past two decades.


Mr Alfred Chan started his career in the manufacturing industry, serving in local Chinese companies as well as international firms for some 18 years. In 1992, he joined The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited (Towngas) as General Manager – Marketing, with his portfolio later expanded to include customer services. He has been Towngas’ Managing Director since May 1997 and is also the first Chinese to become the Managing Director. Towngas, a local Hong Kong city gas utility company, has in the past two decades evolved into a multi-location and diversified business, including city gas, city water, green and renewable energy, telecommunications and manufacturing. Most of its expansion is in mainland China, where it has presently over 240 business establishments, mostly joint ventures. In 2012, the Company extended its upstream energy business to include Thailand as well. Mr Chan is also the Chairman of Towngas China Company Limited, a Hong Kong listed company specializing in city gas business in mainland China. Mr Chan has rich experience in engineering, production, marketing, customer service and general management based on his extensive work history. Under Mr Chan’s leadership, Towngas has transformed from a localized piped gas company in Hong Kong, into a multi-discipline, regional conglomerate in Asia. He graduated with a BSc in Mechanical Engineering from The University of Hong Kong in 1974, and later obtained a Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering from the same institute. In 1976, Mr Chan received a scholarship facilitating him to take up a 12-month engineering training period with Hawker Siddeley Aviation Ltd., now British Aerospace, in the United Kingdom (U.K.). Mr Chan has received industrial training in Sweden and the U.K. He has also attended executive programmes at the University of Pittsburg, Stanford University and Harvard Business School.

He is a Fellow of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers, U.K.; The Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers (IGEM), U.K.; Honorary Fellow of Energy Institute, U.K.; and The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE). Mr Chan has served as Vice Chairman of the China Gas Association since 2012. Mr Chan was awarded the Bronze Bauhinia Star by the Hong Kong Government in 2005 for his active participation and contribution to public service. During the same year, he won the Executive Award in the Hong Kong Business Awards organized by DHL / SCMP. In 2006, he was named Director of the Year by The Hong Kong Institute of Directors. Mr Chan has also contributed significantly to the community and has active roles in a number of statutory and advisory committees of government and tertiary education institutions, in the areas of town planning, technology development and education. Mr Chan was the Council Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Education (now the Education University of Hong Kong) from April 1998 to April 2004, with the last two years serving as the Deputy Chairman of the Council. He was named Honorary Fellow of the Institute in 2016, in recognition of his remarkable accomplishments and contributions to education and the society in general. Mr Chan is a staunch supporter of the business community. From July 2007 to July 2015, he was appointed as an Independent Non-executive Director of Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited. Mr Chan was elected Chairman of the Hong Kong Management Association in July 2014. From July 2016, Mr Chan has become the Honorary President of The Hong Kong Management Association. In May 2015, Mr Chan was honoured with the Leadership Award in the Gas Industry Awards 2015 jointly presented by the U.K. based IGEM and the Energy and Utilities Alliance. He is the first Chinese business leader and the only one so far to have received this prestigious accolade. Mr Chan reached Harvard Business Review’s list of the 100 Best-performing CEOs in the World in both 2015 and 2016. In December 2015, Mr Chan entered HKIE’s Hall of Fame to honour his contributions to HKIE, the engineering sector and the society. In January 2016, the Chief Executive has appointed Mr Chan as a member of the Standing Committee on Judicial Salaries and Conditions of Service for a period of two years.

Meet Alfred Chan, Managing Director of The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited
Dinner with Alfred Chan (26 Jan 2018)

26 Jan 6:45pm

All places taken.

Dinner will be held at 6:45pm on 26 Jan 2018 at The Hong Kong Club.


All volunteer hours must be completed from 15 Aug 2017 to 15 Jan 2018.

Dinner will be held at 6:45pm on 26 Jan 2018 at The Hong Kong Club.

Cost per person is HK$250 to cover running costs of the program.

Photography Sponsor:
KaChick ( - a marketplace where you can book a photographer anywhere, anytime, for anything.

Dinner with Alfred Chan (26 Jan 2018)

26 Jan 6:45pm

All places taken.

Dinner will be held at 6:45pm on 26 Jan 2018 at The Hong Kong Club.

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